Colgate University

<p>Hi all! So I'm going to be a senior in high school this year, and I visited Colgate a few months ago. I absolutely loved it. It was beautiful and the academics seemed great. However, something that worried me is the fact that its students have a reputation of being snobby, preppy, rich, and all white. Honestly, I know most of the schools I look at are going to be full of rich, white people, but I'm mainly just worried about the snobby and preppy (polo-wearing, etc.) aspect. I do like to dress/look nice, but I wouldn't describe myself as a total prep... and I really can't stand snobby people. Can someone just tell me a little bit more about what the students are actually like? Thanks!</p>

<p>Iā€™d suggest you post this on the Colgate forum:
[Colgate</a> University - College Confidential](<a href=ā€œ]Colgateā€>Colgate University - College Confidential Forums)</p>