college admission

<p>please give me a list of schools youd think I can get into with a 3.1 cumulative gpa and a 1400 SAT</p>

<p>There are several threads on colleges for students with a 3.0 in the Parents Forum. Go to that forum, and scroll down until you find them. You will find lots of good ideas.</p>

<p>And use the college search feature on CC for even more names. It will help you think through the criteria you want to use when picking a college (size, location, major, etc…)</p>

<p>The other thing to do before embarking on a college search is to talk with your parents about what they can afford and how much, if any, financial aid you are going to need. “We’ll manage,” is not an answer unless they have sufficient prior experience with other children in the family to know what schools cost these days.</p>

<p>You can construct your own list with this good tool:</p>

<p>[College</a> Search - College Confidential](<a href=“]College”></p>

<p>Enter your numbers and school features important to you and a list will appear. :)</p>