College Admissions Rate/Percentage

<p>Im having trouble finding a website that shows me the percentage of accepted students that apply there. If you have any websites that show that or anything similar to that it would help me greatly!!!</p>

<p>Also if you have any websites that talk about Majoring in Economics or anything of that sort please include it!!!!</p>

<p>Thank you very much!!!!</p>

<p>Google the school’s name and “common data set”. There, you’ll get the info you need.</p>

<p>Thank you very much! ill try it now!</p>

<p>It sometimes takes a little while to catch on to the organization of a common data set, but they’re all arranged the same way. (That’s why they’re called common data sets; they share an organizational structure.)</p>

<p>Section C of the common data set gives information about the previous year’s applicants for freshman admission.</p>

<p>A lot of places aggregate data from common data sets, too. I think there’s an area of College Confidential where you can find that kind of information about colleges. You can also find it on the College Board’s web site. Search for a college or university by name, and then click the tabs for admission, SAT and ACT scores, and so on.</p>

<p>The IPEDS College Navigator has the info as well, though it tends to not be as up to date as the CDS listings at the schools. [College</a> Navigator - National Center for Education Statistics](<a href=“]College”>College Navigator - National Center for Education Statistics)</p>