College Admissions

I know this sounds kind of unethical but would it be wrong if I said im just spanish even though im only 25% spanish and 75% indian? I feel like saying im indian will hurt me so would it be wrong to check off spanish and not indian?? Also, i look more indian than spanish and my dad is indian so my last name is indian. Is that wrong and how would college react if I said i am just spanish?

I’m sort of in the same boat as you - I’m half Chinese and half Caucasian, and I look more Caucasian. I kind of wanted to just put that I’m White, but I feel that it would be unethical, and I’m the president of Asian club at my school anyways lol. My plan is to just say that I’m mixed, and I’ll check off both boxes - maybe being mixed gives us an advantage too?

@chenlele Lol same!! like im doing this whole thing on sanskrit studies and hindi but it is then obvious i am indian as well so idk what to put down

Since when is it “kind of” unethical to lie?