College advice for unknown major

<p>Hey-- I'm already into my college search and sent out some applications-- but I'm just wondering which colleges are best for a person is largely unsure of what they want to major in. I mean, a liberal arts college leaves no chance of going into engineering, and vice versa. If anyone could give me a list of colleges that are very well-rounded or good for a person who doesnt know what major to pick, that would be appreciated. I'm generally looking for a higher level college b/c:
class rank 1 /700
GPA uw: 4.00 weighted: 4.95
ACT 35
SAT 700/750/700
extra curriculars/ service: yadda yadda yadda I don't wanna bore you like many other people, [insert list of many activities]</p>

<p>Any replies would be appreciated! Thx!</p>

<p>bumpity bump bump</p>

<p>Go to any of the bigger state schools: Michigan, OSU, UT Austin, etc</p>

<p>thx i was looking at Michigan already, so that makes me feel better that u mentioned it! Idk, is michigan a reach for me or u think a match? Any other school suggestions are also welcome!</p>

<p>Its a safety if anything for you.</p>

<p>Can you recommend a good school that's a "financial safety" as well? Cost is not the main factor, but definitely an important one. Thx again!</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>Cornell has "undeclared" programs in each college I think.</p>

<p>I disagree with your premise that going to a LAC closes the door to engineering. There are some fine LACs that offer pre-engineering majors in partnership with some great universities. For example, Hartwick College offers a cooperative program with Columbia and Clarkson that is very solid. If you should decide the program is not for you, well you declare another major. Also at a school like Hartwick, while not at the level of an Ivy, you would probably get a lot of merit $$.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>thx i never thought of that</p>