College Application Reader jobs

Hi everyone,
I’m a SAHM looking to re-enter the workforce in a minimal capacity (no weekends/evenings, hopefully remote, school holidays off). I seem to remember reading somewhere that colleges hire people for ‘seasonal work’ reviewing applications for them. Does anyone know anything about this type of job? I’ve found some listings for ‘readers’ that seem to be what I’m talking about.

Has anyone held one of these jobs, or have any leads on where to find them? Can they be 100% remote?

I helped my oldest son through eighteen applications, and have been hooked on college applications ever since. I’d love a job in this field.

Any input would be much appreciated!

These jobs are highly competitive to get. Many are listed on indeed or higheredjobs, but some are only listed thru social media and/or alum sites.

The jobs are often remote (may require in person training), often go to those who formerly worked in college admissions, and pay $15-$25 per hour. Some schools pay per app read like this one at UCSC which pays $2.80/app. During busy periods, some evenings and weekends may be required to meet your quota of apps.

Good luck.


Reminder that CC is not a referral service but users are welcome to respond to the rest of the questions.

Thank you! Very useful info!

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