College Athletics

<p>I heard that most of the college athletics are scouted...
is that true?
If it is, what about students from oversea?</p>

<p>I was frustrated about this issue..
if anyone has any clue about it, please let me know...</p>

<p>would you please be more specifc? ... scouted in HS to play in college? or scouted in college to play pro? .... what level DI, DII, DIII? ... what sport? ... what gender? Right now your question is so general that I am not sure anyone can proivide much insight.</p>

<p>3 togo is correct. More info is needed. Level of play and sport most importantly to know about recruitment statistics.</p>

<p>Some schools heavily scout and recruit. Some sports have a more of that activity than others. It really depends. Most schools have limited scouting and recruiting. The recruiting for the vast majority of schools come from athletes who fill out the recruit form on the sport's website for that college.</p>

<p>Not necessarily. My son heard from many schools (sport = soccer) on the D3 level. He did not fill out any of their forms. Many of the schools he had never even heard of. The coaches found him at showcases and such. That is why more info is needed by flye about the sport to answer the question.
However if you are interested in a school, the recruiting form is the right place to start</p>

<p>It depends sooo much on the sport. I do crew and most college rowers/coxswains are not scouted, although of course for the good D1 schools they usually are.</p>

<p>Like jamimom said though, the recruit form on the web site is important. They only hear about the truly outstanding people -- the others have to come to them.</p>

<p>Well, a good answer would depend on a lot of variables, but I'll tell you this. A D1 school will usually recruit in-state if possible and nationally. International students are recruited, but only the exceptional ones. You have to be pretty good for someone that far away to hear about you.</p>

<p>BUT most teams at most schools have walk-on tryouts, which you could try. Your chances of making the team depend on the quality of the program/recruits and of course your talent and skills.</p>

<p>AND some schools have no-cut intercollegiate athletics. I know Grinnell does, and they have a number of international students competing on their teams.</p>

<p>Then of course there's intramurals, which anyone can play. Club sports are a step above intramurals and a step below varsity.</p>

<p>lots of colleges recruit skiiers from europe</p>