College Board Blue Book 2nd Edition released

<p>Amazon now says the BB2 is in stock...</p>

<p></a> The Official SAT Study Guide, 2nd edition: The College Board: Books</p>

<p>Anyone get their hands on a copy yet? If so, how is it?</p>

<p>Wow I guess so</p>

<p>Can anyone confirm what the 3 new tests are?</p>

<p>I second that question</p>

<p>I need an answer to that question… I’m waiting for the answer to rush out and buy the book!</p>

<p>I preordered mine from Amazon a couple weeks back, should be arriving like next monday</p>

<p>^Yeah, when I ordered it said it was coming out July 21. Either way, I’m looking forward to having it by next Tuesday.</p>

<p>Same with mine… I should have it on the 27th or something.</p>

<p>[Edit] It still says it’s coming out on the 21st. Both on Amazon and CB</p>

<p>wouldnt it suck if the 3 tests were QnAs ive done before</p>

<p>You know something that just occurred to me? Since the 3 new tests have already been administered, they should not have a scale and instead each raw score should be convertible into an actual score (The curve had to have already been determined). Doesn’t that mean it will me more accurate than the other BB tests?</p>

<p>well of course. just like some other released tests that have one solid score for the raw scores.</p>

<p>Ugh… I am really hoping that the 3 tests are from October 2006, January 2007, or January 2009 as those are the only QASs I don’t have the writing sections for. I have all the other QASs…</p>

<p>i hope they arent QAS’s</p>



<p>Same here. But I have this odd feeling they will be. lol</p>

<p>Are the questions on the cb 2nd edition going to different than those on the original cb official SAT study guide (the one that most people have) ???</p>

<p>There will be 3 new tests in the BB2. But the other 7 tests in the BB2 will be recycled from the BB.</p>

<p>I’m thinking the three new tests will be QAS’s. Collegeboard tends to be lazy about releasing new-new tests (e.g. the preparation booklets it prints each year are just old QAS’s from 2005). </p>

<p>The other 7 might just be recycled from the old BB. Do you really think CB took the time to create 7 new tests just for a new book?</p>

<p>No, the other 7 are definitely recycled. I called and they said the other 7 tests in the BB2 are from the BB.</p>

<p>^I was expecting that, since there is no point for College board to make 10 when they can make just enough so that people are willing to pay an extra $20 for a new book.</p>

<p>Amazon has it for $14.</p>

<p>But yea…apparently 7 are recycled and three are new. They won’t specify the exact dates though…</p>