College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022

She is a NM semifinalist but doesn’t know about finalist status yet.

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Wow! Congrats! Can’t wait to hear where the path ahead leads her. A bright future for sure :star:

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Thank you. We haven’t decided what college/university she will go to yet. We are still waiting for some RD applications results, the NM finalist status, financial aid awards, and scholarships to decide what is the best option.


These scholar awards will definitely open a lot of doors for her and, combined with what I imagine to be many other strengths, she will have some great-but tough-college decisions ahead as a result. Exciting time but stressful too, I’m sure! Wishing her all the best as she navigates this crazy process! I’m sure she will find the perfect college home!

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Thank you again, wishing the same to your son!

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Just wanted to share another perk to being a CBNRHP student. Texas A&M invited my daughter to apply for an Honors Leadership cultural exchange for two weeks in Italy this summer. It is competitive. But only admitted national merit and national recognition scholars are invited to apply (so it isn’t too big of a pool) and then 30 will be chosen. It is heavily subsidized by a donor so the cost is relatively affordable ($3600).


More data: my daughter was accepted to Northeastern, Honors College, 35 K merit scholarship. Texas, public high school, 1510 Sat, Hispanic (100 %).


Congratulation! Was the $35k for National Hispanic Recognition or was it something else?

Does anyone know if Cal Poly SLO is offers any NHRP award?

Does anyone know if Cal Poly SLO is offers any NHRP award?

My brother got $3k/year scholarship in 2019 for being a NHRP. He just had to submit his NHRP certificate.


Does anyone know when we should be on the look out for the invitation to apply for NHRP for 2021 test takers? I know last school year was a little odd since they had 2 PSAT testing events. I’m not sure of the timeline and if we need to self nominate. My son does not remember if he bubbled in the Hispanic identifier.

Mid april last year
email will come from the College Board National Recognition Programs


Just an update for Juniors and Seniors looking, University of Evansville just updated their website with a full tuition scholarship for CBNRP.


Before I contact Bama,
WHERE and WHEN does this show up in my son’s BAMA portal?

Son just got email:
" Scholarship notifications for 2022-2023 academic year are now available. If you were selected for a scholarship, your offer can be viewed in myBama."

He did get another $2K UA Leadership/Ach Scholarship,
but no mention of NHRP.

Anyone’s kid see NHRP award in their portal?


Same thing for me–I got a $28K Presidential Scholarship, but not the NHRP scholarship. I just emailed them my letter and certificate and asked about it.

Same here ($28k Presidential in the portal), and we have followed up with an email asking about NHRP also. They’ve had his certificate for six months now.

@huango and @franknd I emailed them last night, and they responded quickly. This morning they sent me an email saying my scholarship portal had been updated. The $28K Presidential has been replaced by $9K Presidential National Housing Scholarship, $1K Provost Academic Supplemental Scholarship, and a $30,250 Presidential Diversity Scholarship 2022, for a total of $40,250 for the first year. For years 2, 3 and 4, there is no housing scholarship, so it drops to $31,250.



I sent them an email, along with son’s CB recognition certificates.

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To whom did you address the email? I emailed last night also (again attaching the certificates that they have had for six months), and we haven’t received any response, nor has the portal been updated. Wondering if you have a better email address to use?

I sent it to both and The email I got back was from