<p>About to submit my supplements, but would like to know my chances! Please put in any input, it would be greatly appreciate! Thanks so much and good luck/congrats to all applicants who are reading this!</p>
<p>I have already gotten accepted into UMass-Ahmerst (Honors College), University of Vermont (Honors College), Lewis & Clark, Colorado College [safeties]</p>
University Washington - Seattle [Honors College]
University of Southern California
Reed College</p>
<p>Here are my stats:</p>
<p>GPA: UW-3.6 (bad, ik) W: 4.33</p>
<p>Course Rigor: All honors, 8 AP classes, hardest school has to offer. </p>
<p>APs: Spanish Lang, Eng Lit, Environmental Sci, Psych, Macroeconomics (3, didnt send) Microeconomics (5) US Hist (5) Biology (5)</p>
<p>SAT: not sending</p>
<p>SAT II: Bio M - 750, US History - 730. Not sure whether to send or not.</p>
<p>ACT: Single Sitting - 34 (35E/31M/35R/33SW)
Same super-scored, but got 32 in Math another time. </p>
<p>EC's: Hopefully helps me out.
VP of class for two years; editor of yearbook; president of club to help the homeless (all 4 years); member of student senate; school committee (help with school district decisions), summer volunteer at local conservation land; in youth group @ church with leadership roles; student leadership team; AP scholar; national honors society 2 years; in school musicals; etc</p>
<p>Recommendations: GC rec will be really really good. Teacher recs (2) should be excellent. Also 3rd rec from community service director at my school. She will put in a good word.</p>
<p>Essays: Offbeat, well written essays. Really should help.</p>
<p>Interview: Have with some places, always go really really well. (talk for 2.5 hours...im chatty)</p>
<p>White female from Massachusetts.....not the best demographic :]</p>