College courses and MCA rigor points

Hello all,

Over the summer, there is a high chance that I will take a college-level Spanish intro course. Since I have already taken Spanish 1 and 2 at my school, would this additional course add more foreign language rigor points to my MCA or just not count? Please let me know!

The recommended # of semesters of Foreign language is 8 semesters with the maximum bonus of 100 points so 1 semester of a college Spanish course should equal 2 HS semesters worth which gives you an equivalent of 3 years. You would need another semester of a College Spanish course or another year of a HS course to get the maximum # of rigor points.

Yes a college Spanish course will count as long it is not a repeat of your Spanish 1 & 2 courses.

Thanks for letting me know! @Gumbymom

Actually, I have a follow-up question. Would the college course also count as a part of my Cal-Poly GPA? It would be finished after my junior year, but before the CP app is due. @Gumbymom

If taken after 9th grade and prior to 12th grade, yes the college course grade would be calculated into the CP GPA if it is CSU transferable.

You actually have two GPAs on your Cal Poly transcript, one for all collegiate courses taken and one for those taken just at Cal Poly.