College Decision Dates 2023: The Official CC Calendar

so what day/time is Wes releasing?

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The Wes Instagram gave a countdown, rather than a specific date/time which is what’s leading to confusion. I’m in EST, so for me it would be 11:59pm Friday night.

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ok, weird. We’re PT so 9pm Friday? I guess we’ll see. She doesn’t get off work Friday until 11pm anyway.


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According to an email Mount Holyoke is releasing decisions 7pm Thursday


When are RD results being sent out from Bryn Mawr & Barnard


Syracuse next batch going out March 24 then weekly according to their website.


does anyone know about northeastern? i’ve heard some decisions have been released for their abroad programs but i didn’t get anything.

Lehigh just posted that decisions will be posted “within the next week”. Ugh. This is torture.


BC sent an email that stated RD decisions will be out this week( no specific date). I think it will be Thursday, but that’s just a guess.


Manifesting a yes on Thursday! :pray:t2: :heart: :+1: :crossed_fingers:


Does anyone know the logic of schools that intentionally don’t give students a date or even better and date and time to expect the announcement? Is it because they fear overload of their servers so they don’t want everyone knowing to jump on at a certain time to check? In general it seems mean to the students.


Sending tons of luck!:shamrock::shamrock::two_hearts::shamrock::shamrock:

I agree. It keeps everyone stressed out for days, even when a decision release isn’t imminent. Why not just let us put it on our calendar for next week and get on with life?


Several years ago I sat on a plane with someone who worked in an admissions office. (I don’t recall which school, but it was in New York.) He explained that they start evaluating applications as soon as they come in, but don’t make final decisions until after they’ve had a chance to look at all of them. Most applications come in close to the deadline. So January through March is incredibly busy for them. In fact the person I was talking with was going on vacation after admissions season.

It seems like the problem is just knowing how long it will take to evaluate all the applications. It’s probably better to not have a specified time if there’s any chance they will miss that deadline. I doubt schools have a good estimate of when they will be done. Obviously some schools can have a fixed deadline, but I wonder if it’s because they can afford to dedicate more people to the job.


DD just got an email from Washington and Lee that the decision will be out at 8 p.m. this Friday 03/24.


Just my two cents, but if you expect kids to do the work to get their applications in by a certain date, then a school in turn should have their decisions done by a certain date.


I’m with you. There are 2 schools that have had my son’s application for nearly 5 months now (places where he was deferred from EA). He worked so hard to get everything done by the EA deadline but the schools are able to go all the way until March 31 on their end because they “needed more time.”


Technically schools do have a firm deadline because of the May 1 National College Decision Day. If you look at college websites, they often say decisions will be out by April 1. For instance, USC says:

Applicants selecting or deferring to Regular Decision will be notified of a decision by April 1, 2023.

But they typically release decisions on March 24:

Based on previous years (decades actually) March 24th has been a favorite for them. So that would be my guess, but they are in charge!

It’s sorta like how students can submit their applications early. Colleges can send out decisions early too. :wink:

I know it’s not much of a consolation, though. Waiting is stressful in the best of circumstances and the uncertainty makes things worse. My son applied to Cal Poly SLO for transfer, but hadn’t been all that interested until he visited last week. Now he’s suddenly checking the student portal compulsively. :person_shrugging:

It’s part of life. We have to wait for potential employers to make decisions too. In my experience, that can be anywhere from a few days to a few months. Not saying we have to like it, of course.


Same. My son just got an acceptance at a school he applied to in October. I’m so relieved we have only a few more.