<p>I am a sophomore at a private school in New Jersey. I want to play college football but I realize division I is most likely out of the question. Is it possible to play at a division I-AA with only 2 years of varsity experience? What schools would i be looking at with a 3.9 un-weighted gpa?</p>
<p>LOL gpa doesnt matter for football schools. you could be a walk on…maybe>? you need to be scouted basically</p>
<p>make a highlight tape, and send it to colleges that pique your interest.</p>
<p>Division 1-AA is still intense, those teams beat Division 1-A teams about 5-10 times each year, it just usually goes under the radar unless it’s something like App. State beating Michigan.</p>
<p>Cal Poly came close to beating Wisconsin last year and UC Davis has beaten Stanford. 1-AA is no joke.</p>
<p>Cal Poly beat SDSU a year or 2 ago. Though its not like SDSU is the pinnacle of FBS talent…</p>
<p>SDSU is terrible, why would anyone go to one of their games when you have Charger games on Sundays in the same stadium?</p>
<p>Aztec Pride?</p>
<p>i included the gpa to see if i could play at maybe a d-II or d-III school with a higher academic reputation</p>
<p>Are you good enough to make a Division III team, let alone a I-AA team?</p>
<p>^^^has any1 gone d-1 in ur school? op</p>
<p>yeah i can probably play college football i just don;t know where. lots of kids from my school have gone either d-I or elsewhere and Brian cushing went to my high school</p>
<p>make a highlight tape and send it to schools you are interested in.i have multiple friends playing d1 or lower in multiple sports. in d1, you are recruited(unlucky kids slip through the cracks and have to walk on)</p>
<p>d2 and d3 you basically recruit yourself to others.</p>
<p>do you make the tape yourself or do you find someone to do it</p>
<p>either or. wow you have like 2 ppl go pro lol jim finn and cushing</p>
<p>Talk to your coach and ask where your talents could allow you to play. The coaches usually have some ways to contact colleges as well.</p>
<p>being the great football school we are, i’m only playing jv as a sophomore but i will play varsity next year. will having only 2 years playing varsity lessen my chances at playing at the next level?</p>
<p>No. Many players blossom when they become seniors.</p>