<p>Hey all, I'm a freshman in college and feeling like I'm just spinning my tires when it comes to what I want to do.</p>
<p>I am currently a Mechanical Engineer (although that does not mean much at this stage) taking the relatively normal course load of Calculus III, Chem I, English II, CS I and some of my school's introductory classes to Computer Science and Engineering.</p>
<p>I have always enjoyed math and have always done well in the courses (5 on BC/AB) but lately my passion has been somewhat waning. I never really 'got into' Calculus I and II: I did the work but I didn't feel it truly click... and I have the same feeling with Calculus III at the moment. I have a semi favorable opinion of chemistry and do well in the course but could never see myself majoring in it, and the other science, physics was a course I really enjoyed in HS but didn't show through my grade (only got a 3 on the AP exam). Biology does not interest me at all.</p>
<p>I also have a fairly strong feeling towards the business side of things: I love crunching numbers and doing calculations, organizing things (I am constantly making excel sheets and organizers for anything and everything), love learning how money works and the principles of economics (did fine on the AP exam: 5).</p>
<p>I took several engineering courses in high school but they were more geared to sketching and CAD, neither of which I care for at all. I did the robotics team and it was a fun experience but didn't really strike a chord for me. I thought I would like programming but while I'm doing very well in my course this semester I'm still on the fence over whether or not it's something I would do in my free time.</p>
<p>I thought combining my math/science interests along with business would be perfect for an Industrial Engineering major but I'm not so sure how I feel with optimization and probability--I guess one of my dream jobs would be working quantitatively in the finance sector (an Economics track through ISyE looks very appealing...)</p>
<p>While I like to express my ideas through writing I would much rather be able to utilize that skill through a more STEM/business major instead of a liberal arts one.</p>
<p>I could see myself being a physicist, mathematician with roots in CS or applications, industrial engineer, someone in finance, a programmer, someone with roots in accounting, an economist, a meteorologist and I'm sure there are more in the STEM/business fields.</p>
<p>So in the end I am still all over the place and hopefully someone on the outside looking in has a better perspective than I do! I would love anyone's input and thanks in advance for even reading all of what I wrote!</p>