<p>There is a discussion in another thread about the old style dorm rooms in many New England schools that today may seem peculiar due to the roommate arrangements in these rooms. One poster (SOP 14's Mom) pointed out the historical preservation of these buildings, rather than retrofitting them to meet todays living arrangements. It made me think about the historical fun facts (which are hopefully true) vs the probable tall tales that are perpetuated at many shcools, and thought it would be fun to share some. So I'll start by repeating what I posted in the other thread, and add some other historical facts (please correct any errors) as well as some probable tall tales: </p>
<p>School: Vassar</p>
<p>1) When the Main building, designed by famed architect James Renwick (designed NY's St. Patrick cathedral), was first built it included classroom, faculty offices and student living space. For the students housing, the large room was originally more of a sitting room, or parlour, and the smaller rooms off of it were the bedrooms for the student and, in some cases there was an even smaller room for the student's "attendant". Because the closets were in the "attendant's" room, in newer days, with the front room (sitting room) now being used as a bedroom as well, they typically place one or more wooden armoires in it for closet space. The rooms (sitting rooms) are pretty big and can easily accomodate the armoires.</p>
<p>The "attendant's" room had a window that opened onto the hallway, whereas the students window faced outdoors, but on the side of the building that did not get direct sunlight (heaven forbid their delicate skin might get damaged).</p>
<p>And the dorm hallway was extremely wide. Made such that (reportedly) the students could exercise in the hallway and, more importantly, two girls could walk by each other in their hoop skirts and not touch each other. I kid you not.</p>
<p>2) Shakespeare gardens have flowers from all of his sonnets. Gardens and landscaping were designed by Frederick Olmsted (also designed NY Central Park).</p>
<p>3) Noyes dorm was designed by Eero Saarinen ( also designed the St. Louis arch). It has a great echo spot in front of the building.</p>
<p>Probable tall tales:</p>
<p>1) Jane Fonda rode a motorcycle down the hall of a dorm (the stories of which dorm and whether or not she was clothed vary)</p>
<p>2) Edna St Vincent Millay jumped out a second story window of her dorm (Jewett).</p>