College Life: Prudence or Party?

<p>Work hard, play hard.</p>

<p>Just make sure you get the play in somewhere.</p>

<p>"He was a wise man who invented beer."
- Plato</p>

<p>Cannabis might not help grades. But how would it hurt it? If you get everything done during weekdays, and allot a proper amount of time to study before every exam, what's the harm, if done in moderation?</p>

So, going into my first year of college, I choose to not party, not drink, hook-up, etc. and instead throw myself completely into my studies and chosen extracurriculars. I choose not to follow my peers. Instead, I will blaze my own path in this maze we call college. I may not be the most intelligent student on campus, but through prudence, will emerge ahead.


<p>Quoted for truth! Good job! I abstain from the same stuff as you (commuting also helps too, I simply don't have time to bother with those kids and their parties). As you can already see, its a very unpopular choice amongst some of our college-aged brethren, but keep up the good work, it'll pay off for you both now and down the road!</p>

<p>thanks, vail. for further support of my argument, check this link:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I maintain that by partying I actually do better in school. It helps relieve stress and is fun.</p>


Cannabis might not help grades. But how would it hurt it? If you get everything done during weekdays, and allot a proper amount of time to study before every exam, what's the harm, if done in moderation?


Agreed. It won't really hurt much if you're smart about it.</p>

<p>i understand what you are saying rl.hill, but college is about new experiences. i mean, say you work to your full academic potential (i.e. you don't waste time partying or whatever) and then you die tomorrow. do you think you would have lived a complete and fulfilling life? i mean, you never took a break from academics in order to achieve some kind of future success, and now you don't even have a future. so you did it all for what?</p>

<p>life is short, so enjoy it while you can.</p>

<p>Most of the comments to the OP are just so incredibly arrogant and one-sided that they made me laugh. Granted, rl.hill did use a couple big words in his argument, but it amuses me to see posters coming back with the same type of remarks such as "Oh, get off your moral high-horse" and whatnot. Seriously people, you're not discussing anything new here.</p>

<p>Hey, I love to party, socialize, drink, and meet new people. I even light up the cannabis from time to time - just to basically have that feel. But come on guys, do some of you high schoolers honestly believe that this type of socializing will directly give you the opportunities needed to become a successful businessperson? That it will help you to increase your social affability and the self-marketing skills so crucial to "success". I think some of YOU need to get off your high-rocker.</p>

<p>And the garbage doesn't even stop there:</p>

do you think you would have lived a complete and fulfilling life? i mean, you never took a break from academics in order to achieve some kind of future success, and now you don't even have a future. so you did it all for what?


<p>What kind of idiotic nonsense is this! Maybe um...some people actually LIKE to work on academic projects, or learn just for the sake of learning? Maybe doing work and stuff actually gives them that stimulation and excitement that a couple shots can never give? I have friends that derive enjoyment solely out of solving complex mathematical problems - a joy that some of you will never understand if "you don't try it."</p>

<p>I go to a college where drugs, alcohol, and hooking-up is highly tolerable. I've been told many times that should a person choose not to engage in such activities, that it's OK, and that people won't care or won't think lowly of them. What utter BS. Just like some of the people here.</p>


Then, if they enjoy it they should do it all the time. I know a lot of people who don't like just doing academics all the time but have it in their head that this is the only way to get that coveted job. But what if something life-altering happens and they can no longer get that job. When they reflect on everything they sacrificed (things that make up the traditional college experience), in order to achieve a now unattainable goal, do you think they'll still feel like it was worth it? That was my point. But if you enjoy doing school work, then by all means, do it to your hearts content and die happy.</p>


I have friends who enjoy this as well and I enjoy it. But it's not the same as unwinding after a hard week by partying with friends or going to movies or doing whatever, but that's just me...</p>


<p>That last post of yours was seemingly, entirely unnecessary. I feel like you're trying to pick a verbal sparring match with me. I apologize, if this was not your intention.</p>

<p>Regarding your argument though, it's important to distinguish between professional and academic career paths. A lot of academics choose not to indulge in much, if any of a social life - but we shouldn't perceive as if they're on some "moral high-horse" or have "sticks up their ass" just because of their decisions. It seems as if a lot of the posters here based their answers off of a professional distinction, which is fine. But realize that the person with a solid focus on school and activities comes out on top - regardless of the amount of partying, hooking up, or drugging he or she does.</p>

<p>Uhhhh, I see where you're coming from rl.hill. Though I can see why your post may come off as condescending.</p>

<p>Also, let's get something straight: not drinking, doing recreational drugs, or hooking up does not mean you are an anti-social hermit. I don't do any of those things and I still enjoy going to parties for the sheer joy of dancing and hanging out with my friends. If you do those things, fine, but moderation is key. Who wants to get alcohol poisoning, suffer from a drug addiction, or get "burned" and/or pregnant during what are supposed to be some of the fondest years of your life? If you have serious party kid ways and this hasn't happened to you, it yet doesn't mean that it WON'T.</p>

<p>This thread gave me a good laugh. It's pretty obvious that rl.hill has never been to a party before, and he's envious. I mean, for being the "top of his class", he can't even make a solid arguement. There is no real evidence in his statement, just generalizations. I don't see the difference between a 4.0 student that parties and a 4.0 student who doesn't, except the former probably has more fun.</p>


I don't understand why my last post was unneccesary. I was clarifying my position because you basically said that my opinion had no validity whatsoever and is garbage and I beg to differ. I was not trying to start a verbal sparring match with you. Why would I? That makes no sense. Do you honestly think I troll the board waiting for you to post so that I can engage you in some argument? If anything, you were trying to start a verbal sparring match with me. You directly quoted my post and called it "idiotic nonsense". Sounds much more confrontational than my post to you, which was simply distinguishing between people who geniunely are interested in academics only and people who like to party, but think that giving their full academic potential will get them farther in life (something rl.hill said).</p>

<p>Stop it hotpiece. If there's even a tiny shred of doubt left in your mind, #34 is without a doubt, completely unnecessary.</p>

<p>For my first response to what's "idiotic nonsense" - what you initially posted was idiotic, wasn't it? Come on, hotpiece, even you know it's true. Sure you've included a bunch of vague qualifiers in your later post to make it less disputable, but I had no interest in word playing with you there. I don't give a rat's posterior of you trying to argue the specifics with me, but you must acknowledge that the basic gist of things is true. </p>

<p>Posters here are accusing the the OP of having sticks up his ass when in fact, it seems to me that people here are only agreeing with the things they want to hear.</p>

<p>Big Brother, if my post #34 was unneccesary, then your posts 31 and 35 were also completely unneccesary, they added nothing new to the conversation. </p>

<p>In my intial post I was commenting on the theme of the thread. And then in my subsequent post, I decided to clarify, lest others misinterpret what I was saying, like you did. And then you accused me of trying to pick a fight, which is all you are trying to do. What I originally posted was not idiotic. Just because you don't agree with an idea, doesn't mean it's idiotic. What about my post is false or untrue? </p>

<p>Also, I never accused the OP of having a stick up his ass or being uptight. I said I understood where he was coming from. It seems to me like you are only hearing what you want to hear. You came into this thread attacking my ideas and then you claim that I am attacking you. What is your problem? Why have you created this false animosity between us for no reason?</p>


I completely agree. </p>

<p>And, not too butt in or anything, but you seem like you are attacking hotpiece, Big Brother. Not the other way around...</p>

<p>It seems to me like her posts were quite innocent and you are making them out to be some kind of personal thing between you guys. Maybe there is some backstory behind your "relationship" (if any interaction on CC can be called that) that I don't know about that would give you reason to believe that hotpiece has some kind of ulterior motive in responding to your post. But, if not, I don't see how hotpiece's posts were idiotic, unecessary, or a "verbal sparring match" (at least not until after you initiated)...</p>

<p>Some other poster's comments have been much more confrontational. Saying that rl.hill has never been to a party or his writing sucks or he is pretentious is much worse than anything hotpiece wrote.</p>

<p>Alright guys, you win. Hope that's what ya'll wanted to hear.</p>

<p>well, whatever Big Brother. I didn't know it was some kind of competition...</p>

<p>but back to the original topic, I think it's okay for people to do what they want to do. If you wanna party all the time, then go ahead, it's your life. If you feel that studying all day is the best thing to do, then go for it. I personally like to balance between academics and social stuff, but my cup of tea is not for everyone.</p>

<p>What I don't like is people criticizing the OP for not sharing their views and I also dislike the OP's tone. Not to say that he/she is pretentious or anything, but the tone of the first post was definitely condescending in my opinion...</p>

<p>I don't care what anyone says, but in my opinion and experience, parties are the biggest waste of your time. If you like em and think they're the only way you can have a fun time, then good for you - if you're one of those people than I'm sorry to say but I think you are one big loser.</p>