College List Feedback [3.96, 33, "need full aid" with FAFSA EFC = $0]

Your hard work has lots of intrinsic benefits that will benefit you long after you graduate from college. But more germane to the topic, that hard work may compel some schools to give you a full ride to attend them. You are likely to have many more options than a student with a 3.5GPA and a 30 ACT (which is still a good result), much less people whose stats are lower than that.

Did you look at the list of schools I shared in your other thread? Is it worth applying to GW or American if one needs a full ride? - #30 by AustenNut

Based on your aversion to a robust Greek life, I’d take a look at Syracuse, Gustavus Adolphus, U. of Tampa, and U. of San Francisco as schools that offer room & board to ROTC scholarship recipients and where I suspect your odds would be better than at some of the schools on your current list to get admitted with sufficient funding.