College of Charleston Early Decision / Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

S22 deferred.

Where was the merit information?

In the letter.

Accepted but deferred from the honors college.

OOS son accepted into Honors college
4.1 W; 3.7 UW
35 ACT
Targeted ECs and volunteer hours - marine bio related

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Marketing and commercial real estate

Any luck finding honors decision? My daughter’s honors page is blank too.

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In state, act 32. Accepted, no honors.

No page is still blank- we don’t see any merit money either…

Did he see the merit money in his honors acceptance, or the college acceptance? Thanks!

Scholarship indicated in college acceptance letter, not in Honors letter.

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My D’s was in the acceptance letter itself.

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Did anyone get invitation to the Feb scholarship interview weekend with the admission or honors acceptance, or does invitation to scholarship wkend come separately at another time…and if its another time, WHEN? lol

Congrats to your DS!

Was there any mention of an invitation to the Feb scholarship weekend anywhere in his portal or letters?

That will come separately, if invited.

No all honors college students are invited to the interview for the fellows programs and other scholarships.

Thank you!! Do you have any idea timeframe on when those invitations will be sent? And will it be by email or snail mail or just in portal?

And make sure they rsvp, if invited. It is not clear that it is for additional scholarships and fellowships. The kids just think it is another marketing pitch and ignore it sometimes.

It will come soon - most likely in the next week. They send snail mail, too.

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Thank you!! :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

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Good luck!