College of Charleston Early Decision / Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

My N.C. girl was accepted! She fell in love with Charleston when we visited for our tour. She’s been accepted to 6 schools, and we’re waiting on 3 more. CofC is definitely her first choice!


For my D, a Merit scholarship and the Honors College acceptance were both mentioned directly in the primary offer letter. I’m not sure if either was also mentioned separately in an Honors section of the portal or not.

OOS, Female
~4.5W, ~3.97UW
No Tests
~12AP/Honors classes (right at half of her total classes)
Nationally ranked (non-collegiate) athlete and other ECs.

OOS accepted! Merit scholarships but waitlisted for honors


OOS accepted. 4.0 unweighted, 8 APs, 1300 SAT, $5000/year

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OOS Son accepted with $10.5k/yr merit scholarship, but deferred for Honors. Intended Int’l Business major. Not first choice – accepted at UofSc with in-state tuition, still waiting on Elon.
GPA 4.0 uw/5.1 w
9 APs, Varsity basketball and NHS
Seems like Honors being especially selective this year?


Daughter just received the Honors College letter in the portal in the honor tab. They said there were some issues the the system populating them. She is waitlisted right now…

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I guess you never really know what Admission Is thinking. My son also applied to UofSC and CoC. Accepted at both. Offered $1200/year in merit at CoC and ZERO at UofSC (his first choice :upside_down_face:).

Test optional at both
4.25 WGPA

Yes, my daughter’s acceptance letter included merit details. We are out of state if that makes any difference.

Can someone post the link to the portal?

D keeps logging in and just sees her application - no decisions or anything. I’m wondering if she’s logging into the correct portal.

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When did she apply?

This week was the early action applications. They may not have processed her application yet.

She would have an email from them as well.

She applied in October - for early action.

The smart thing for her would have been to put in an email address she had access to. Clearly, common sense isn’t where intellegence lies - she is also aware of this.

Oops…yes, the whole “which email did you use” thing we lived through with S19!

Have her email admissions and see if she can get the email updated. They may all be off the next couple weeks.

Hopefully she can get into the email. That will have the link she needs custom for her. They end up sending some snail mail, too.

Honors College page now shows interview weekend date in Early Feb…says invitees have gotten emails, and that there are other packets in the mail. Anybody gotten anything yet re interview weekend?

Nothing for my son but didn’t really expect him to be a candidate. Though would have been nice!

The website says my D is in the middle of fill in out a scholarship application given by Alum” but she doesn’t recall starting one. Are these mandatory? Also it says to fill out general form to be considered for any scholarships. What form?

Some of the colleges use an additional login and portal to manage scholarships. It creates an interface for the people on the review panels. It is confusing and clunky. Your child may have clicked into it from a link and not realized they had entered into one of the templates for one of the scholarships. I think D21 had one that never cleared when she tried to click to undo it for CoC that she did not even qualify for.

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Call to the school today confirmed that Interview Weekend invitations have all been sent out already, as described on the website update in my prior post.

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Hi what were ur stats?, I was also deffered from cofc with a 3.8 weighted

My DD22 was 3.8 unweighted. Captain of varsity softball and basketball. Let’s of EC and 1AP one IB and 3 honors. Test optional

My DS GPA is in the lower quartile of what they report on the common data set, mostly impacted by a difficult freshman year. He’s been all a’s and b’s since, but we’re not surprised he was deferred so they could see how he did in his first semester and whether his upward trend held steady.