College of Charleston Early Decision / Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

would you mind sharing stats

Out of state
Test optional
3.75 uw, 4.5 w
I think 5 ap 2 de and rest honors
Lost of ec and sports

Accepted for business Out of State. Test Optional 3.9 weighted. 4 AP, mostly honors for the rest 1 Varsity Sport. Good amount of volunteer hours. NHS, job.

Im wondering if anyone who has visited by plane can tell me the best and safest way to get from the airport to campus? My ds is doing a campus visit and spending the weekend with a friend’s son without us, and his flight gets in at 9:30 pm. Any advice appreciated.


It’s pretty easy to take a cab or Uber to the area near campus. Not a long cab ride at all (maybe 30 minutes, tops?). The surrounding area is very safe.

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Thank you—I was looking at the ground transportation and that seemed like the best bet, so thanks for confirming!

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An Uber from the airport is fine. There is a pick up spot across from the exit of baggage claim over to the right. If coming this weekend it is a busy time here with SEWE and CoC parent weekend. He may need to wait a minute on a ride but someone will come.

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Thank you so much. He’s not going for a few weeks and is very excited.

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Has anyone gotten any financial aid besides the merit that was stated in the acceptance letter? Any need based aid?

Does anyone know what time RD comes out? And is it tn?

The website says March 1 if you applied before January 15. The previous year or maybe year before it came out at 6pm according to a thread on this site.


decisions are out


DD waitlisted and very surprised, stats were right where they needed to be. How did others do? Any experience with the CofC waitlist?

My DD just checked and was also waitlisted. This was a safety for her and another in a stream of deferrals and waitlists. I cannot believe how crazy this college process here. We are just shocked. First waitlisted at Tennessee and now here. Both safeties.

Darn, I am sorry to hear that! This DD is our third and it seems every application cycle gets crazier! So hard for the schools to predict yield, fingers crossed people will turn down spots once they select a school and some of these waitlists start moving.

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There is typically movement on the waiting list. Reach out and express interest so they know this is a place the student would strongly consider attending if accepted.


My dd was also waitlisted and I am really upset. My son is a senior at CofC, we are out of state and pay full tuition and are very active with the parent groups and fundraising etc. we all love CofC and were really hoping for good news from CofC but are so disappointed. Additionally, she has learning disabilities and CofC is supposed to be a school that is highly rated for being inclusive for LD’s (you can search for yourself). My daughter works so hard and her grades are better than my son’s were and this rejection sent such a defeating message to her for all she has done.

So sorry! I am seeing so many waitlist for so many kids. My daughter is declining her CofC acceptance this week, hope that helps someone!

My son was accepted too but will be decling too.

I am so very sorry and I hope she is taken off the waitlist. They stated that this was the most competitive applicant pool they have ever had.

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