College of Technology?

<p>My son has been reading about Purdue and is intrigued by its Computer Graphics Technology program. Can anyone tell me if it's a glorified tech-training program, or if people in the College of Technology are somehow considered second class citizens at Purdue? The program sounds up his alley, but I can't tell if it's part of the rest of the school, or more a "night school" program for returning learners. He's looking at the West Lafayette main campus location. (And please do not misunderstand, I am not denigrating the program in the slightest! I think it looks quite good for his interests! I am just trying to put the program into context within the rest of the school, since I have no personal experience with it, so I can help him get an idea of what it's like.)</p>

<p>We're going to an Open House here in San Jose next week, so I thought some background about the program might be good to have. If things look good, we'll try to visit later this spring. Thanks!</p>

<p>I think the college of technology is rated number 1 in the nation, but having said that many engineering dropouts transfer to college of technology as it has an easier curiculum and is more hands-on than engineering. The average salary for a CGT graduate is $40,000.
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