College Party Network, Redefining College Parties

<p> has been in the works for about 2-3 months, and as of now we feel it is ready to be introduced to the top rated College's in New Jersey. Considering FDU is one of those top rated schools we are trying to spread the word on to this campus. We The Public, is a website with funny articles, videos, sport predictions(2010 fifa world cup). We wanted to make a site to get its users involved so we developed a system where we let our visitors email us articles they have wrote and after we review them we post them up on our site. We feel that this gets us all involved and its not just going to a website and see whats already there, it makes us more involved. We also added a social networking part to the site which lets you have your own profile page, a wall for friends to write on and also a general wall which anyone can post on. We also have galleries which we accept pictures from some of your parties.
Check !!!! </p>

<p>it takes 2 seconds to sign up.</p>

<p>many updates to come so keep on checking on the site.</p>