College prestige importance or lack thereof for various majors, career paths, and graduate / professional schools

My earlier post that you quoted says, “The original post of this thread mentions the importance of college prestige in engineering.” “Mentions” does not mean the that the OP is specific to engineering – only that engineering was mentioned. Different posts within this long thread have talked about different topics on the list in the OP – there were some posts about law, some about finance, some about consulting, some about biology, some about academia, some about CS, … Each post of this thread does not need to specifically mention all of the 10+ topics of the original post. Instead sometimes there are series of posts that primarily discusses only one of the topics.

Here is your earlier post…

Thanks for cleaning up your original quote in your response by eliminating the grammatically superfluous “in”. In its original form it was a bit confusing, while now it makes more sense.

And a discussion of the importance of college prestige in engineering is perfectly fine. But the thread turned into a discussion about how strong the Ivies (and their peers) are in engineering. That’s not the topic of this thread.


…also, I’m still confused how posting full-screen stock photos further the discussion? :wink: