College receptions

<p>Ds and I will be attending a local hotel reception this week for an OOS school we haven't visited. We've done a couple of these before (ruled one college in, ruled one college out), but this feels more important because we haven't gotten on campus. Any hints for how to make an impression? How important do you think it is to dress up? He's going to have to leave his sport practice early to get across town in time so he won't even have time to shower. Ugh. </p>

<p>Not sure why I'm feeling nervous about this one. It's a match-safety, but I'm hoping for lots of $$$$ for him. We've used these receptions as a convenient place to get info, but I feel like this one is different, that he really needs to demonstrate interest because he hasn't visited and may not get to anytime soon. S already has met with the area admissions person when he came to the HS. S was one of only six kids, so he got some personal attention there, but S is pretty reserved, not a glad-hander who'll make a big impression (though he's a wonderful person!).</p>

<p>If his sport practice is not necessary in the sense that it is a valuable appeal to the prospective college, then skip it, shower, and go to reception clean. To go without your best efforts would tell the school a lot.</p>

<p>I don’t know for sure but I got the feeling when we attended similar events that the most important thing to do is make sure you do is sign the sign in sheet to indicate you are "demonstrating interest. I know the Admissions reps act interested in all of the prospies present but I really doubt that anything you can do will make or break your chances at $$$ at an event like this because they are meeting so may people and are often on a multiple city tour. I do think it is a good idea for your S to introduce himself, but to think that he is going to be noticed may be asking for too much…maybe not I tend to be conservative in my assessment of these things :)</p>

<p>A better way to make himself known as an individual may be to follow up with an email "Hi so and so, I met you at the reception at the blankity blank in super city. I was so excited to learn more about awesome U and appreciated your taking the time to talk to me. </p>

<p>From there he can take the opportunity to connect in other ways. Oh and if it is possible for him to arrive squeaky clean that is great but those body wipes and face wipes partnered with a squirt of deodorant a change of clothes and a comb can work wonders!</p>

<p>Yes, we’ll have to settle for a “bird bath” after practice. And I’ll take him some real food so he doesn’t embarrass us by devouring the “light refreshments” being served. :)</p>

<p>I definitely agree that this will not have any impact on your financial/merit aid from the school. It really is more for you to get information about the school than to wow anyone. Just have DS show up looking clean and interested. Besides some touch-up towels and deodorant, I’d bring along a toothbrush/toothpaste/water bottle.</p>

<p>You’re right. I was just a little wound about it last night. I should have lied down until the feeling passed. :)</p>

<p>Aw, YDS no need to explain - you’re a good parent! We’ve loved the local info sessions we’ve attended - so convenient. We went to one that was so crowded I don’t think the reps would remember anybody they met. We did meet and have stayed in contact with some local alumni - not sure whether that will help in the process but it definitely showed our interest :)</p>