College response to terrorism in Israel

I don’t know if this is true but I heard it from someone yesterday. Maybe others more knowledgeable can validate. I don’t mean to offend anyone if this is inaccurate.

As we know TikTok is extremely popular among young people, especially the college crowd. What I heard is that over 50% of those below 25 get their news mainly from TikTok, and TikTok is heavily influenced by the Chinese government which is very anti-Israel. So a lot of pro-Hamas propaganda influences these young minds and may explain why there is suddenly so much anti-Israel sentiment on campuses.


I think it’s more what they’re being taught in liberal colleges - like someone posted the “field trip” credit for Berkeley students to participate in pro-Palestinian March (was there credit offered for any other political march?)
My sense is tick tock is too new to blame and it’s likely more popular in certain sub-demographics. I know young kids who watch those but they watch puppies and makeup/fashion videos. They are not politically interested at all.


Bill Ackerman letter to Harvard.

Schools are going to start getting sued under Title VI for not protecting Jewish students and stand to lose $$$$ in public funding. It’s about the only thing that will get them to sit up straight and listen. There will be no shortage of Jewish law firms only too happy to find plaintiffs and take these on pro bono.


There was a pro Palestinian protest march in front of the Northwestern president’s house yesterday and then the group marched directly in front of the Chabad and Hillel Houses, just before sunset on Saturday. There was a big police presence and there was seemingly no violence but the group was were very loud (with bullhorns) and angry. I haven’t seen any official news about it or a response from the university but I will post one when/if something is released to the public or in the Daily Northwestern.

I don’t understand why NU and Pres Schill haven’t experienced more criticism about their no-stance/weak public statements .

I assume yesterday’s march was by Students for Justice in Palestine, who held a vigil outside the library a few weeks ago…where the library lights were lit up in the colors of the Palestine flag…presumably with admin approval. This was less than a week after the initial Hamas attack on Oct 7.

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Perhaps there was a similar event for the oct 7 victims?

Regarding the students trying to remove posters etc.

Seems like small message-modifying stickers stuck next to the posters may give a better message without being accused of vandalism of someone else’s poster. For example:

Poster Added sticker

A cynic would say, they would secretly welcome being sued and settling/losing. That way they can enforce their code of conduct without argument from faculty or students, and blame the judge/courts.


His letter to Harvard’s president is worth a read (the article contains a link to his X account with the full letter). He did not hold back.

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No elite school is going to cede that kind of control to an alumnus, regardless of his billions or this year’s issue. Fortunately, Harvard has a sufficient endowment already.

You would hope that Bill Ackman would have been smarter than to be fooled like this re “the Jewish student attacked by Palestinian supporters”. But nope, he decided to be a chump.

As a parent of a current student, but who did not participate in the protests, I have no dog in this fight except to understand the truth. And the truth is that the public narrative is not just wrong, but woefully deceptive.

If you actually want to see what happened, take a look at the video available in the following link. It confirms what I wrote earlier, in that a student who DID NOT identify himself as Jewish or Israeli decided to walk into the protest in order to get photographs and videos of those that were there.


There is truth in both statements. Tik-Tok and College and all media influence young adults a lot. I caught my own son making some stupid conclusions about war in Ukraine after watching some clear propaganda presented by someone not remotely from Ukraine or even Russia. It took quite some time and persuation too change his mind…


That’s my daughter too. But I asked her today and she said she did see something about Israel/Hamas pop up a couple of weeks ago. She didn’t click on it and doesn’t think she saw any other, but she remembered it because it was unusual as she never watches anything political.

Had she clicked and watched, I’m guessing TikTok’s algorithms would have ramped up the number of similar videos presented to her.


No they won’t. However, I’m glad those same alum won’t be donating millions to those elite schools because they have finally realized the culture and “education” these schools are providing. They hopefully will reconsider hiring from those same schools as well. Baby steps.

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Hmm, so punish by refusing to hire all the students who may have nothing to do with the school’s policy and no power to change it…
Well, you are consistent in approach.

I didn’t say don’t hire any students. There are clearly students Ackman will have zero interest in hiring. They’re right out there on the nightly news.

The school has the power to change it. If they refuse then they are responsible for the consequences. Unfortunately, money is the only language these people understand. One of, if not arguably the primary job of a university president is fundraising. Alienating major donors doesn’t seem like a prudent strategy, especially when the issue involves hate speech and physical threats to students. Just my 2 cents. I’m sure Ms. Gay has it figured out.


Universities do have lots of experience with overbearing alumni trying to micromanage the institution or set conditions on any number of issues. The elite ones seem most cognizant of the precedent that could be set and enough resources to withstand the pressure and maintain their independence.

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I bet a lot of students who are yelling, “Death to Israel” and walking around trying to intimidate other students, are the same ones who flip out and demand punishment for any perceived microaggression to themselves or one of their favored groups.