College Schedule..Good?

<p>This is my first semester schedule... I had a later orientation so I couldn't get some classes and my math I didn't know I had to take a placement test so I have to take the test soon.</p>

<p>Environmental Science
MoWe 6:00PM - 7:20PM
LAB: Th 12:00PM - 1:50PM</p>

<p>Freshman English 1310
MoWeFr 11:00AM - 11:50AM</p>

<p>US History to 1865
MoWeFr 1:00PM - 1:50PM</p>

<p>Contemporary Moral Issues
MoWeFr 10:00AM - 10:50AM</p>

<p>Also, a family member suggested since I have Tuesday's and most of Thursday off that I should borrow the books I need from the university library (they only allow you to borrow 2 hours at a time and the moral issue class does not have any books listed). Should I? Or should I go ahead and rent them from Chegg?</p>

<p>Looks similar to my first semester, it’s good to take it pretty easy.</p>

<p>Don’t take it easy on studying for your placement test though. Score as high as humanly possible. It’s less effort to catch up with a class that challenges you than blow a year in remedial.</p>

<p>Buy your books on amazon. They’re cheap in the first place then you can sell them back for the same price and effectively all you pay is shipping. You don’t have to worry about rental return dates/late fees either.</p>

<p>Yeah at first I was signed up for 19 hours then I thought I should drop some classes instead of taking too much. Thanks for the tip!</p>

<p>I always signed up for a full courseload, in case I didn’t like one of my courses and wanted to drop one. But if you need all of the courses you’re taking, or your drop period is tiny, I think you made the right choice. :)</p>

<p>Yeah I need them all and plus I looked at all the professors on and they all had good reviews and seemed very easy.</p>