School type; Small public in NY
GPA W; 93.83/100
Rank; 11/108
SAT: CR: 550, M: 620, W: 530 C: 1700 (will retake)
Class Rigor.; (Most challenging offered in my school) AP Chem, AP Bio, AP US, College Pre-calc, Stats, English
ECs; Class Gov’t (Treasurer), Varsity Baseball (Captain ) Received All-League Award for Baseball, SADD Club, 90+ hours of community service, Some school awards in Math, Science and English, Tutored children for a for-profit private company, National Honor Society
Budget: about 35k per year
Plan on majoring in physics or chemistry, I would like to remain in the Northeast. Primarily in NYC area, also like Boston, Philadelphia and D.C a lot. Please help me consider some schools, all help is appreciated.