I’m doing my under-graduation in computer science and wish to pursue higher studies in the US. However, given the current situation, the question is whether or not to opt for master’s. Would it be any better to go for a PhD in my field of interest (computer science: ML)?
Also, I have a pretty good GRE score in quant and AWA sections. My verbal score, however, is relatively low. I haven’t taken an english proficiency test so far. With a GRE score of 311, a GPA of 9.5, a decent profile (with a few certification courses under my belt, a paper publication), what universities should I consider while shortlisting?
Is there any chance for me to get into an Ivy League University? If so, what can I do to make my chances brighter?
I’m planning to take an IELTS test soon. What score would be ideal in my case to make up for the lower GRE score?
Thank you in advance!