College Stats.

<p>I have one question regarding stats. I know you can use the fuction "Invnorm(" to find the Z-score if u know the area. But is there a way to do it backwards? In other words, can I find the area given the Z-score with a calculator if I don't have the chart?</p>

<p>solve(invNorm(x,mean, standard dev) - area, x, 5) the 5 is just a guess. basically what you solve for must = 0.</p>


<p>For instance for P(Z<1)




Oh. I get this method. I tried it out for different values and it works. I was just wondering what "normalpdf(" is for?</p>

<p>normalpdf is for the probability of one value, if i remember correctly. Something along the lines of that. Sorry I can't be more helpful, I'll try to remember to look it up later.</p>