<p>I applied to all three academies last year, only to be medically disqualified. Now I'm medically qualified and I'm in college at Washington and Lee University. I was just curious if anyone else here is at college and looking to transfer, and what their experience has been in applying again. I'm also wondering if its true they won't even look at our files until our semester grades are in, or if that's just what they say and they do something else.</p>
<p>I am in my first semester at Binghamton University and I recently received an LOA. However this is my first time applying. They should look at your file escpecially if the only reason you did not get in was because of medical disqualification. Good luck with the rest fo your application.</p>
<p>I didnt get in last year and i am reapplying this year. I attend a military junior college and have a 4.0 GPA. I also do ROTC. I do not have a LOA yet and I think they will wait until the end of first semester to give me a word back. I completed my file about a month ago. I had to reapply for nominations as well. I got a nomination last year so I am not too worried about that. I also applied for an ROTC nomination. I keep retaking my SAT's. Try to determine what held you back last year. Class Ranks, SAT'S, CFA, leadership and try to improve on it. For me I think my class rank held me back. I was 30 out of 180(I was taking AP courses and our school did not weight grades) but I think that good grades in college in a military environment will show that I can handle the academics. Find your weakness and improve on it.</p>
<p>mena33 -best of luck to you this year! You have alot going for you with a full plate doing ROTC at a military school already. Its not like you don't know what your goals are at this point. :) Surely your dedication will be smiled upon with admissions. Have a question. Have you come across any difficulties with this year's application vs. last year's due to the fact that you are in a military college? Feel free to pm me if you'd like.</p>
<p>skirbyy -Getting over that medical hurdle has to be the BEST feeling! Can just imagine the grumbling done while you were waiting for that to get cleared up. So glad its one less thing for you to be concerned over. Now just keep safe & sound. No smashing digits, no poking your eye out, no falling down stairs and breaking stuff. </p>
<p>Taffy- Illustration needed of your stick people with all the academies represented! Get busy!</p>
<p>I got in last year after one year of college.
If you're thinking of going to USMA after spending some time in college remember that they will NOT accept credits taken at other universities.</p>
<p>OMG! You crack me up!! I love the squid! I need some Xmas cards done up. Are you for hire? LOL Now I can go to bed. I've had my taffy laugh for the day! You are priceless!</p>
Yeah, I know that I can't get any credit, but I did hear that you can take placement tests and then decide where you place in. For example, a graduate from my HS who is at the Naval Academy told me he placed into an upper level of calculus, but decided to be in the beginning calculus class because he didn't want to have the additional academic challenge in that class on top of everything else he had to do.</p>
<p>What I'm wondering, cadet, is what you decided to do. Did you place in and take the higher-level classes, or did you decide to more or less retake classes you took during your first year of college?</p>
<p>Some of my classes had no equivalences at USMA so they couldn't get validated. Classes that I was very strong in I validated. Some classes I did not validate because I wanted to take them again, only with USMA's spin on them. If u can handle the upper level courses, then I would advice taking them because you will have more opportunities later on. For example, I had a cousin who went to USNA that finished his major and core a semester early and studied his final semester at Georgetown.<br>
I took calc in HS, got a 4 on the AP, and took it again in college to get into USMA. There was no chance that I would take calc a third time.</p>
<p>cadet, does USMA have a similar program to USNA's opportunity to study at other universities nearby once all the coursework at the academy is completed?</p>