College suggestions? Apparently, I should shoot higher.

<p>Hey all,</p>

<p>I was thinking about applying to UCB, UCLA, UCSD, USC, GW, Johns Hopkins, CMU, NYU Stern, and Northwestern, but I'm not 100% sure about this. I am already doing apps for most of them though. </p>

<p>I posted this list on the "What are my chances" thread, and people have been commenting that I should "shoot higher" and that I would "probably get into most if not all of the colleges listed."</p>

<p>So, I'm looking for more options. Matches and/or reaches would be preferred. </p>

<p>Here are my stats:
International Asian female student
Current senior at private, competitive international school</p>

<p>Prospective major: Economics or Business (pre-business)</p>

<p>W GPA so far: 3.89 (rising trend: 3.6, 3.89, 4.19)
UC GPA: 4.0</p>

<p>SAT 1: 2320 (800 M, 770 W, 750 CR)
SAT 2: World History 790, Math 2C 800, Chem 800, Bio 800
AP: Bio 5, Macro Econ 5 (self-study), Micro Econ 5 (self-study), Chem 4 (taking Comp Gov and Calc BC this year)</p>

Math Team (9, 10, 11, 12)
Debate Team (10, 11, 12)
Senior Citizen Home Volunteer (11, 12) ---Total volunteer hours: 48
UNICEF Orchestra (11, 12) ---Total volunteer hours: 55
Have played flute for 6 years through private lessons, a year in a band class in school, and in the orchestra I play for (generally private; didn't do competitions)</p>

<p>Vacation activities:
Interned at Citibank for the winter and summer of my junior year
Volunteered at the senior citizen home that I go to every month
Volunteered (played) at the orchestra I go to every other week</p>

Household income: 300K+
No FA needed. My parents have a savings account holding 300K for my college expenses.<br>
Parents both have bachelor+ degrees outside of U.S.
I will be 17 when I start my freshman year and will turn 18 in the middle of that year. </p>

<p>Here is what I'm looking for in a college:
In the city or at least in a suburb/small city close to a major city with an international airport that major airlines support.
Northeast, mid-atlantic, midwest, Washington, or California.
Mid-sized to large campus.
International recognition and prestige (my parents won't pay otherwise.)
Strong economics/business program.
Good alumni network, research, and internship opportunities.
High percentage of students accepted to graduate or professional schools.
At least 50% non-Greek
Existent but non-heavy party scene (not 90% of students binge-drinking every night)</p>

<p>Suggestions? Additions? Comments? Chances?
Any help would be appreciated.</p>

<p>Also, if you can, please suggest me a school to ED/EA at. I'm obviously becoming desperate. I've already started the app for Northwestern, but I don't think it's too late to switch/change/add. </p>

<p>(BTW for all you stalkers who creep profiles, this is my sister's account who is going to law school this year.)</p>

<p>Weaknesses: generic ECs, no leadership positions
Recommendations: 1 great rec. and 1 so-so rec. I failed at having any significant relationships with teachers. Sad, but true for many of my peers and myself.</p>

<p>Georgetown, mcgill (its in canada but fits your other criteria), uchicago, and bc or bu could possibly fit this.</p>

<p>…I’m not going to Canada…haha…</p>

<p>Since you don’t need aid, you should apply to top schools who are “need aware” for int’ls…that may give you an edge.</p>

<p>By “shooting higher” I assume you mean the Ivies. You can certainly give them a shot, along with Stanford, just keep in mind that they are a reach for everyone. </p>

<p>That said, your initial list includes some superb schools where you’re likely to receive an excellent education and a wonderful experience. So before you start adding schools to apply to, ask yourself: what do I want from my college experience? What kind of environment do I want to be in? There is a world of difference between UCSD and NYU.</p>

<p>In the Air:</p>

<p>How about Wash U.</p>

<p>My brother’s kid went there, majored in business, and 3 years later is doing fabulously well working at an investment bank.</p>

<p>Yes, you should shoot higher. Drop GW and JHU, and apply to two or three super-reach schools that are strong in undergraduate economics, e.g. Harvard, Princeton and MIT. Keep CMU, NYU and Northwestern (maybe also Chicago ?) as your matches, and the UC’s like UCLA and Berkeley as your safeties.</p>

<p>Honestly, no one should consider UCLA/Berkeley safeties. Especially not someone who is international and has a UC GPA of 4.0 (the avg. is like 4.18).
I’m pretty sure NYU is more of a safety (although even it isn’t).</p>

<p>I’d say switch out GW for Georgetown, and add UChicago as well as a couple super-reaches.</p>

<p>It looks like you probably want to go into finance. The best schools which will position you to do this are HYP, Dartmouth, Columbia, Penn, Duke, MIT, Stanford. To a slightly lesser extent Northwestern, Cornell, NYU Stern, Haas, and Chicago. I think you need to look a little more into these schools for sure.</p>

<p>Apply to the schools you’re interested in. Why “shoot higher” unless you really want to go to an Ivy?</p>

<p>I think I’ll drop UCSD and Johns Hopkins and add UChicago, GTown Dartmouth, Columbia, Penn, and MIT. </p>

<p>I’m a little iffy about GW but I think my list will have no(?) safetyish schools without it.</p>

<p>I better hurry…
Thanks for the help!</p>

<p>“(BTW for all you stalkers who creep profiles, this is my sister’s account who is going to law school this year.)”</p>

<p>I am not sure I understand the above statement.</p>

<p>If you are seriously considering Dartmouth, then you could also look at Amherst and Williams. None of these is in or near a large city or a major airport, but all are strong in economicsa and excellent as entrees to finance careers and business school.</p>

<p>My parents aren’t letting me apply to LACs because to be honest, 90% of the people (even professionals) in my country (the 10th largest economy in the world) don’t know any of them. :(</p>