College the cure to excess drinking??

<p>Could be.</p>

<p>Alcoholism</a> Rates Could Plummet With Higher College Enrollment, Penn State Researchers Find</p>

<p>Or is it just a selection effect? (i.e. the people who go to college may, for whatever reason, be less prone to alcohol problems than otherwise similar demographically people who do not go to college)</p>

<p>Of course, a very large percentage of college students attend community colleges or local commuter-oriented universities, so the residential university with its student parties might not be representative.</p>

<p>Of course, looking at my kid’s tuition bill makes me…never mind.</p>

<p>I was a mom of a high school somehwat wild child during the era of Momofwilddhild who simmered down in college. Once they get to college they a) don’t have any money b) have too many class obligations to be wild and crazy very often and c) don’t have any safety nets. After graduation he had to drive back and forth to work and wasn’t in easy walking proximity to alcohol…not to mention once you are 24 or 25 alcohol doesn’t have the same forbidden excitement it does between 17 and 21.</p>