College Visits - Bug Reports

Reed on <a href=“[/url]”></a> links to Rice?

I just wrote a report regarding a visit to Brown University and it disappeared?? I could not find it. Is there a delay from the time that you post it to the time that if shows up?

This forum is for errors not requests for colleges to have visit reports added. Visit reports are added by users who have visited the particular college. So if you want a college to be added either find someone who has visited and get them to post one or go visit and post one yourself.

I stayed within the character limits, (I was keeping track using the counter you have to the right side of the screen) but it still cut off the comments on display for the trip report. Why is that? I posted about Trinity U.

I see what you mean, Anxiousmom. We’ll check that out.

sent PM to admin…clicking on Trinity College in CC Top LACs connects to recent threads, not Trinity reports.

can we search by author?



The three most recent reports are linked from the author’s forum profile. I’m not sure if there’s a way to search by author, we’ll check it out.

not really important, but where it says who the author is, the “member since” date is always the current date, and for some reason there are always ? number of posts.
also do we have a way of changing our college visits profile or anything? on mine it says student class of 2006, when it should be 2007. I’m not sure how 06 got on there…

EDIT: I was looking at some other reports, and apparently it’s only doing the “member since” and question mark thing to me…

when you click the link to find college visits by name you get a page not found error.

I’m getting page not found on everything (except the bug report page) I click on, on this and on the new stats page. So maybe it’s down all over today?

Issue is resolved.

I am posting another report that, like anxiousmom on 10/29, I found all of my descriptions got cut off at a point well before the stated character limits (which I also stayed very carefully within), so just another data point that it’s not healthy yet. Maybe in the meantime you could change the stated character limits on the entry form so people don’t keep typing past where the cutoff point is?

The dates for college visits are messed up. You should take a look to see what year it is. :slight_smile:

Thanks, we’re aware of that issue.

I tried to post a visit to University of Arizona, but I hit “post” and nothing happens. Myreview just stays there for only me to see. Any ideas?

every time i try to post it, the screen is all messed up and there are errors on the page. I can’t post–it messes up.

That’s odd, others are successfully posting visit reports. All I can suggest is logging out of the forum, signing back in with “remember me” checked, and navigating to the visit report area and trying again. If you get errors again, please copy them and post them or PM me. Thanks.

(Seuferk, it could be that your membership status showed you were waiting for email confirmation - did you change your address lately?)

Twice, I have logged in and spent about half an hour filling in a form for a visit to St. Mary’s College. After filling out the form and clicking submit, it tells me I am not logged in…

The issue is on your computer, remove all cookies from your browser that are related to CC, then restart the browser and make sure you accept all cookies from the cc site. You also need to make sure you tic the “remember me” box upon logging in.

i cant seem to get a review written with out getting logged off. I am maybe not that swift but please give me 5 at least.

I want to post a visit for Northern Michigan university and i get logged off.