College Visits - Bug Reports

On my most recent report, I made sure that I didn’t go over the limit in the sections, but it still cut off some words.

Even though I filled out the ratings, the summary page shows that I gave the colleges a zero.

When I select George Washington Univ (from the drop down menu of colleges) to see tour evaluations and feedback, I get Baylor.

When I click on Vanderbilt, Chapel Hill, and Washington and Lee CC Discussion Forums, I get an error page. There is no way I can get to the threads for these schools and I have tried for several days.

Whenever you click “edit” during the preview vision of the visit report, it posts it. The system also does not prevent you from posting the exact same college visit report multiple times, which unfairly affects ratings.

I accidentally posted 3 times on the Emory board… if you can remove the first two posts I made (not the last one, since I updated it), I’ll appreciate it. I also suggest that a delete button be added so users could delete their own posts.

Thanks for the suggestions. I’ll pass those along. Regarding your duplicate reports, I’ll get that task to the proper individual. Thanks again!

^I was going to say the same thing as slik. I attempted to edit my W&M report and it ended up posting it. Now I have two identical unedited reports posted in the W&M section…

EDIT: I edited them both. Could you delete the one where I mentioned it was a duplicate?

Hello, Rixs…I have created an issue for our IT guys to remove your duplicate report.


(Sorry if this has been reported already)

Trinity College (ct) college visits cannot be viewed although it says there are a number of reports and I myself have entered one. When clicking Trinity College (ct) it says no reports have been posted (which I know is false, I have posted one).


@greg6or: Sorry for the problem. I have reproduced this error and created a work ticket for it. It seems to only be impacting Trinity College. We should have it resolved shortly.

Thanks for the feedback about this.
