I’ve been doing dual-enrollment at Kent State University on and off since my freshman year of high school. I’m a junior now, and this year bit the bullet and started going full time (I only go to my high school for band practice). I like it a lot, but it’s definitely not where I see myself going after I graduate. I want to go on some college visits this coming semester, but feel weird skipping my college class to go to another college. It’s especially bad since all 3 of the colleges I want to visit are having their big “come check out insert college name here” events 3 consecutive weeks from Wednesday-Friday. I know that I could just wait and go on some visits next fall semester, but I feel like that’s cutting it way too close to application submission time. Any advice?
A little late in reply but the upcoming spring break (Kent State’s) could be a great time to visit if the other colleges are still in session. As long as class is in session, regardless of open house events, it can be a beneficial trip.
Spring break is a great time to visit colleges because most don’t have the same spring break. Also check to see if any start/end at different times than your school because if they start earlier or end later you could visit then.
That is hard. My daughter does full time dual enrollment but it never interfered with college visits. She visited primarily summer, weekends, Monday holidays and occasionally Fridays when she had no classes. Personally I would not have wanted her to miss the same class 3 weeks in a row if that is what your saying and she would not have wanted to miss that many. If anything accepted student days have been more of a challenge but most are weekends so it isn’t college related reasons.
If your only missing one class per subject perhaps talk to the professors and see what say? My daughter had her dance school Nutcracker dress rehearsal during a final and the professor said not to worry she could take the final at the class before.
Go during your college’s spring break.
Sorry for getting back to this thread late, I kind of forgot about it lol. It actually worked itself out really well, I ended up ditching all of the colleges I was looking at previously (realized with my GPA/ACT I can get into way better schools/also realized some of them weren’t even accredited), and now OSU is my top choice. Kent State’s Spring Break is this coming week, and I’m headed down to Columbus on Monday for a visit!
My son is dual enrolled at Kent State too and we are doing the same thing this week. Hope your visit went well!