College Waitlists in 2022 -- possibilities or pipedreams?

Yes, absolutely, my D22 wrote her LOCI, sent it, and we haven’t discussed it since. She isn’t at all factoring it into her decision. She has a hard enough time thinking about the 3 choices she’s narrowed it to, she doesn’t need a “slim to no chance” school to add to the mix.

Frankly, I wish they didn’t use waitlists – just prolongs uncertainty for some kids.


Hi everyone- we received an email today advising a college updates our fasa yesterday. I didn’t realize the colleges could do that but it seems they can. I cannot tell which college made the update nor what was updated. Has this happened to anyone else? We accepted at one school a week or so ago and have one wait listed option. Any thoughts on why this could have occurred now? It does not appear anything changed? Is this an indication of a school considering more aid ?

I suggest you ask your questions on the Financial aid forum. Many knowledgeable posters there to help.


This is why our S19 did not take his WL spots. I do think he would have really liked at least one of those quite a bit but we didn’t visit before he got his WL decision and he just knew he wouldn’t be able to turn on a dime and switch if he got off of the list.

It would have been different if it was his number one choice and we had visited already.


As of last week we visited all 4 WL schools that my D would consider over her top choice admitted school. She is waitlisted at 8, but she would only consider 4 of them at this point.

While it is difficult for her to consider schools that she’s not actually admitted to, we felt it was important for her to visit these schools so that she could have a basis to make a reasoned decision in the event she is offered a spot off the waitlist.


That’s great that you could visit. Makes sense. In our case, all WL options were flights away and no where near each other so it would have been three separate trips with flights!

When is the earliest anyone has ever heard from a WL? Is it ever before May 1?

Just depends on the school, and the how deposits are going in any given year. Some schools have already gone to the waitlist this year.


Yes, this is exactly the issue. If my D22 got off the list she would have to be willing to fly out to see NYU immediately, because she hasn’t seen it. She was really hoping to get an acceptance and then visit this month, but alas, it didn’t work out that way. I read that NYU gives 72 hours. If she gets off the WL, it will be her choice to turn it down or jump into the chaos.

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Were they local or within driving distance? That’s the optimal way to do things if it’s possible for sure.

What schools have already gone to the WL?

UChicago, U Michigan In-state, Bard, college of Charleston. I’m sure there are more.


I think the waitlist for UM is a pipedream this year for OOS. Last year they took .5% off the waitlist.

Last year was exceptional for most schools. Lots of gap year kids who had deferred their admission due to COVID. So most schools took very few off of the waitlist. Similarly 2020 was an exception because lots of kids deferred and so plenty of WL offers were made.
We are probably going to be closer to pre-2020 years now.

(also, just for accuracy the % last year for UMich was .5% not .05%)


Chicago! Wow!


All flying. One was for an admitted students tour for the school she will likely attend but has never visited. 3 flights in 2 days. It wasn’t easy or cheap…but fun. Glad we did it and now she will be able to make a decision…if a decision is presented to her.

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Typo thanks! I still don’t think there will be a lot of movement on the waitlist but we shall see.

That does sound like fun to me! My D22 only wants to visit the absolutely necessary ones – and even then, it’s not her favorite thing. lol

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Did anyone read this? Long-term trends fuel most competitive admissions cycle yet // The Observer

Notre Dame is already saying they will not be taking a lot of kids off the waitlist.


Thanks for posting the ND article. One thing I am confused about in the article is this quote:

“Application numbers have risen in part due to a larger high school population and a trend in which students apply to more schools.”

No issues with the second part (students are applying to more schools). However, the first bolded part confuses me: I thought the TOTAL NUMBER OF APPLICANTS (meaning the entire pool of student applicants) was getting smaller. Is that wrong?

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