CollegeBoard Waivers for UCs

I printed and sent my four CollegeBoard waivers along with a check of $210 for the price of 3 UCs (4 UCs would be waived). The original total was $490, and when I checked my application fee status today, it said I still have $280 to pay. Does this mean that my waivers weren’t accepted or do I have to wait for everything to be processed?

I do not know the answer to your question including because I thought it cost only $11.25 per college to send all your SAT and subject test scores to a college. In any event, you need to call College Board and you need to do it first thing in the morning because you have made an error that is costing you money you should not be paying. For the UCs, you are supposed to send scores to only one UC and then all other UCs automatically get them from the one. So what you should have done is send only one set of scores to one UC for one fee waiver and you should find out if you can reverse what you have done and change it to one send. Also, if somehow you decided to send the scores rush and that is the reason for the high cost, then you made another error because UC’s do not want you to send rush scores and it was also not necessary since scores can get there by end of December and still be timely.

Wait a couple days then call if the alert still shows up. They should have explicitly told you if the fee waivers didn’t work