Colleges and the Score Choice

<p>I'm talking about this: Score</a> Choice - New SAT Score-Reporting Policy</p>

<p>Will most colleges go along with the new policy of sending in whichever attempts we want? What colleges have confirmed that they want all attempts sent (not go along with policy)? What do you expect from other colleges? </p>

<p>Extra info: SAT</a> Scores - View SAT Scores - Send Score Reports
SAT</a> Fees</p>


<p>Some info...
EDIT: </p>

<p>"Stanford, Cornell, Pomona, the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Southern California told NEWSWEEK their applications next fall will demand all scores. Other elite schools, including Harvard and the University of Chicago, say they'll honor Score Choice; many, such as Yale and Princeton, say they've yet to decide. A few, such as Colby College and Williams, say Score Choice is irrelevant to them because they already cherry-pick the highest individual math, verbal and reading scores from among multiple tests."</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Hopefully most universities will reject it. It’s completely asinine and biased toward the wealthy.</p>


<p>should ‘‘wealthy’’ kids feel different because they are rich ?And why do you think this policy is orientated toward the wealthy ?</p>

<p>^I think an argument can be made: if someone can take an SAT eight times and then pick two of those to report, that is an advantage over someone who can afford to take the test only two times. Taking the the test eight times may be unrealistic and unhelpful in many cases, but it is conceivable that people might do it nonetheless, because they can.</p>

<p>aw come on, $45 bucks is not THAT much…the difference between taking the SAT 3 times as opposed to 6 times is not that much…
it’s just a scheme by collegeboard to make more money and continue their domination over the ACT…
I don’t think it really matters, as SAT’s aren’t really that important for highly selective colleges anyways. And plus, they already look at your top scores. And the slight increase that you MIGHT see after taking the SAT 6 times would only benefit you slightly.</p>

<p>“SAT’s aren’t really that important for highly selective colleges anyways”</p>

<p>You can argue causation vs. correlation or reiterate what many colleges say about valuing other factors more, but statistics show that colleges are fixated on the SAT. </p>

<p>Notice the acceptance rate raise significantly with the SAT score. </p>

<p>[Brown</a> Admission: Facts & Figures](<a href=“Undergraduate Admission | Brown University”>Undergraduate Admission | Brown University) </p>

<p>[Princeton</a> University | Admission Statistics](<a href=“]Princeton”></p>

<p>[Penn</a> Admissions: Incoming Class Profile](<a href=“]Penn”></p>

<p>[University</a> of Chicago College Admissions | Incoming Class Profile](<a href=“]University”></p>

<p>Score choice sucks!!! Why is it have to be this year??? I would prefer score reports+superscore to score choice+no superscore</p>

<p>wait, who told you there was no superscoring? most top schools still superscore don’t they?</p>



<p>Why is wealthy in quotes?
Is it because…

  1. Those who seemingly have a lot of money aren’t really wealthy at all?
  2. “Wealthy” is just a human construct through which we perceive a person’s mental integrity?
  3. You’re trying to feign righteous indignation, but aren’t really too sure what you should be indignant about?</p>

<p>(I’m guessing 3).</p>



<p>As North_face said, that’s not true in the least bit. Wishful thinking perhaps.</p>

<p>In the Score Choice tutorial, it seems like you can actually not follow a college’s score choice policy. For example, if a college requires all scores to be sent, I think you can still choose to only send one score (a window pops up and you just have to confirm. So I guess it’s a honor policy?</p>

<p>from here it seems like it’s an honor policy</p>

<p>Q: What if students do not abide by a college’s or university’s score-use practice?</p>

<p>A: As a matter of integrity, students are expected to follow college admissions policies, and the same is true with respect to a student’s sending of test scores to colleges. Students are responsible for complying with the admissions requirements of the colleges, universities, and scholarship programs to which they apply.</p>

<p>Q: Is there a loophole that allows colleges to “opt out” of Score Choice?</p>

<p>A: Colleges cannot “opt out of” or “reject” Score Choice. Score Choice is a feature available to students. Colleges set their own policies and practices regarding the use of test scores. The College Board does not release SAT test scores without student consent. This continues under Score Choice. Colleges, universities, and scholarship programs will receive the scores applicants send to them.</p>

<p>Most colleges will still superscore, correct?</p>


<p>Hopefully they will still superscore</p>

<p>Ahh! Seriously? They won’t superscore now? I thought most colleges were ignoring this score choice because of the fact that they were still superscoring.</p>

<p>noo I never said they wouldn’t superscore ( I think they still will)</p>

<p>“^Not” was referring to ur username (NotToo_Crazy) lol</p>

<p>Seriously? $135 isn’t a lot of money?
and yes, low income students can get fee waivers, but only for 2 SAT I tests. and you better believe they’re not taking more tests than that.</p>

<p>Most colleges superscore anyways; I think it’s perfectly reasonable for colleges to want to see if you’ve taken the SAT once or four times.</p>

<p>Over, say, an 18 month period, $135 really isn’t that much money, particularly if those spending it believe in its value. I mean it’s less than 8 dollars a month.</p>

<p>Also, people cancel when they take the SAT anyways, so I don’t see the huge difference between someone taking it twice and someone taking it five times if it’s possible that the first person canceled 3 other scores.</p>

<p>Godfatherbob seems to be offended that upper socioeconomic groups have, GASP, more advantages.</p>

<p>Grow up Bob.</p>

<p>Typical middle class umbrage.</p>

<p>Yes, colleges will still superscore, which is why I’d recommend sending all of your scores.</p>