<p>There should be a class action lawsuit against all colleges with such horrible practices.</p>
<p>"this is stupid. I'm sorry, but college beuracracy's have more important things to do then to waste their time stuffing an envelope full of junk for someone who isn't even a student of theirs. Get over it."</p>
<p>Wooooooosh. Over your head!</p>
<p>I thought it was pretty funny, OP.</p>
<p>We live in a capitalist society. We have the option of either being consumers or sellers. Not freeloaders. LOL...but it was funny though.</p>
<p>Hundreds of CC'ers should swamp colleges with requests for stickers, T-Shirts, flags, lanyards, and mascot dolls.</p>
<p>I'd accept someone who sent me a letter like that.</p>
<p>And naturally I'd promptly hook them up with some "paraphernalia."</p>
<p>"Hepstar, if you frequently post in the cafes, but nowhere else your post count is 0. Learn the ways of CC."</p>
<p>Yeah, but if you did a little something called a "view previous post search," you will find that the OP has 1 post, which is the 1st one in this thread. Maybe it is you who should learn the ways of CC.</p>
<p>No, it is you who should stop caring so much about trolls and relax.</p>
<p>Correction, the OP has 2 posts, both in this thread. </p>
<p>For the record, I am not a "troll hunter." This thread was the 1st time I used the word in any thread. </p>
<p>After seeing some of the outlandish threads here, I was just making it clear that the OP is a troll (3rd time I've used the word). Sure I was stating the obvious before, but who cares?</p>
<p>Thats 3 times you said "troll" in one thread ;)</p>
<p>I had to say it sooner or later. It must be one of your "ways of CC" or something ;).</p>
<p>Carpetrug01-----you have made my day!</p>
<p>Just a joke thread, not the secret of youth.</p>
<p>Haha...I don't think I've ever seen anybody sign a letter "Threateningly, [Name]". Pretty classic.</p>
<p>Thank you :) I laughed so hard when I finished this letter :)</p>
<p>military recruiters give you free lanyards</p>
<p>i liked this joke thread more than the stupid "I'm so rich, my dad bought be a mercedes!" or the "i'm so rich, i'll get into princeton without good stats!"</p>
<p>this at least made me chuckle.</p>