<p>What would you deem to be a good school for a smarter-than-average person (3.9 UWGPA in full AP courseload, 2300+ SAT) with an interest in art, indie music, films, etc? As in a school that isn't very preppy or athletically-driven; somewhere where an artistic person will fit in very well?</p>
<p>I was looking at colleges like Columbia and Yale, but do any others come into mind?</p>
<p>Amherst and Williams are super preppy. Look outside the top 10 liberal arts schools. Sure you can do better ranking wise, but why do that when you have to hang around lacoste shirts the entire time?</p>
<p>University of Texas at Austin.
Austin is AMAZING in the music/art scene. Especially indie sort of music. And tickets to concerts are dirt cheap. I think the most I have ever paid is 20 bucks. The Austin City Limits Music Festival is here and the South By Southwest Festival. </p>
<p>Art is pretty big over here too. The school is into football but it’s not in your face. I’m not into football and I’m doing just fine. </p>
<p>NYU would be good too just for the fact that it’s in the middle of NYC except it’s pretty expensive. </p>
<p>You might also want to look into art schools…? Maybe? I got into Pratt and visited and the neighborhood and the campus is very laid back. And it’s only about a fifteen minute subway ride to NYC.</p>
<p>I would think Yale is NOT what you are looking for but I don’t have any personal experience with it. </p>
<p>I guess it really depends on what it is you want to study…</p>