<p>First Post!!
I'm not that shy, but I'm mostly not confident in practically anything i do..
I am starting to become more social but do not want to go to any party scene school. </p>
<p>My top priorities are:
-co-education (I am a junior guy in High School)
-minimal drug and alcohol use (if this is even published or known.. haha)
-not particularly sports oriented (I do lacrosse right now, but don't like the sporty high-school atmosphere)
-small school (no larger than my high school!!--3,000 max-- OR a college with known small, 30 classmates or under, for freshmen classes)</p>
<p>Also I would prefer not a snobbish, competitive school (Like when a student would brag 'I go to an Ivy League'...)
I have a 3.6 weighted and go to a competitive northern Fairfax high-school. IF possible I would LOVE to go to an out-of-state college, and LOOVE to go to a European school(but I think that should be under another post)
PS.-- If anyone could give me a list of schools(or link) or if anyone had an older sibling or first-hand experience, this would be MUCH appreciated!</p>
<p>I would recommend looking into the Oxford College of Emory. It’s a pretty unique program, but if its right for you, it’s really right!</p>
<p>It might be, I’m not sure what major I should be in so I am trying to first find a list of preferred colleges and then narrow them down to the major I want.
(probably something pertaining to history, animal sciences, hospitality, or business)</p>
<p>A lot of bigger colleges may still be right for you. It’s just about looking where there are enough of the sort of people who don’t want to party for you to fit in.</p>
<p>If I were you, I’d also post this in the “College Search and Selection Board”. You can find it right on the left side. Lots of parents/even professional college counselors read that one and they would probably give you better advice than high schoolers like us, who are just going through the process right now.</p>
<p>If you want to apply to UK schools, particularly Oxbridge, I think you need to submit AP scores and SATs and then there’s some sort of oral exam you have to pass.</p>
<p>Community college.</p>
<p>*the oral exam is called an interview.</p>
<p>Tbh, I wouldn’t reccomend UK universities (they are not schools or colleges here) because everyone there can legally drink, so the number of people drinking will be a lot higher.</p>
<p>Schools, universities, all the same for a lazy high schooler
I said oral exam rather than interview because interviews in the US tend to be conversations whereas the ones in the UK test actual competence in a subject.</p>
<p>@Niquii77 Lol, 10 points for Gryffindor!</p>
<p>I was told that you can’t really act shy in college. Hood College is great, my brother goes there and he says that there’s a place for everybody.</p>
<p>east carolina university is pretty good. It was number one ranked in the least amount of drugs and alcohol usage.</p>