Colleges have the wrong email?

<p>So from the PSAT (I suppose?), I've been receiving A LOT of mail and it has an email listed on it that is not correct that I'm sure is getting a lot of emails.</p>

<p>How do I have it changed over to MY Email? This is driving me crazy.</p>

<p>It’s because of your covert name :slight_smile: Sorry, couldn’t resist!</p>


<p>Serioustly though, I’m freaking out.</p>

<p>My son, due to his poor penmanship, had the EXACT same problem! It was a hotmail account, though. So he just went on to hotmail and the account name that the colleges had was available, so he just signed up for it! Voila! All his email got there! It was very funny!!!</p>

<p>Unfortunately, this one is taken which means some stranger is receiving all my college mail!!</p>

<p>So send the stranger an email letting him/her know of the error. Maybe you can get that person to forward some of the email to you so that you can respond to it to get your email address corrected.</p>

<p>And man, I want to know what went wrong for S – he hasn’t gotten ANY college mail from having taken the PSAT! His score on it last year was really excellent; this year, I told him to make sure he filled in everything he could to get college info… and yet, he’s still getting nothing!</p>

<p>Maybe he made a mistake and did not fill out everything correctly? Maybe he just hasn’t started getting mail yet. Give it a few more months.</p>

<p>I assume you already contacted the PSAT people to see if you could get it corrected?</p>