<p>This is cross posted on the College Search thread, I hope its alright that its posted here but I usually check out this forum because I find that the parents here usually give the most detailed and helpful information.</p>
<p>I'm looking for some colleges in California since that's my dream place to be. I live in NY and my parents say I can go as long as I get enough money to pay for it with our EFC around 10K.</p>
<p>Basic Stats:
GPA: 3.4 UW, not sure of weighted but higher with mostly honors classes, 2 APs, USH(5) and Chem(4) as a junior w/1 self studied, Psych(5) and taking 2 (English, Bio) next year
SAT: 1350/2000, 690CR/660M/650W
ECs: Not going to write out a list, mainly Science Olympiad w/ medals and some other science things, music related for trumpet, some clubs</p>
<p>I'm looking for any colleges in CA that would probably accept me with enough money, public or private, any size. Probably majoring in psychology but film production/studies courses are a plus. Any suggestions and information would be greatly appreciated.</p>