<p>I am interested in finding a school in PA or NJ that has a good clinical lab technology/medical technology (BS) major program. I would be transferring from a community college with a 3.85 GPA/Phi Theta Kapp member. I'm shy and a little introverted and cost is a factor. Any suggestions...the size of the school doesn't matter but think I would prefer a small to medium sized school. Thanks for any help.</p>
<p>Looking at East Stroudsburg, U of Scranton, Misericordia, Ramapo, and Lebanon Valley…</p>
<p>I’m on the college search too so I’m no expert, but University of Pittsburgh and Penn State both have good science programs. Neither are small schools, however, if you are in PA they are both public which is good for tuition.</p>
<p>I’m looking more central/eastern PA as I do not want to be more than 3/4 hrs from home in NJ and both schools student pop is larger than I want. But, thank you for the suggestions. Do you know anything about the schools I mentioned.</p>
<p>Ramapo is one of the better state colleges in NJ as you probably know. Many of our HS’s top students went there with good scholarships. It looks like they have a good science program with many options.</p>
<p>Misericordia is a small private catholic college outside of Wilkes Barre. Health sciences are their strong area, the other academics are not as strong. One of my kids went there for one semester and we were just talking about it. He said he never had a close friend as he never found anyone who shared his interests. Also, many of the students were athletes, so spent much of their time with their team. There were so many times he would tell me he was the only one in the dorm. It was a small, friendly environment which might be good for you. I don’t know what their transfer merit money is like, but if they offer any, you would be a strong candidate.</p>
<p>Scranton is a Jesuit university 1/2 hour north of Misericordia. My son transferred to Scranton from Misericordia and was given some merit money as a transfer. He found the academics to be much stronger and immediately found many people with similar interests. He became close friends with many and has maintained those friendships since graduating. The sciences are very strong at Scranton and they just completed a new state of the art science complex (as well as new upperclass housing and newer student center). Although it is about twice the student population of Misericordia, it is a friendly, welcoming environment. My other child also graduated from Scranton. </p>
<p>I don’t know much about East Stroudsburg or Lebanon Valley. </p>
<p>Of the three I mentioned, Ramapo and Scranton are the strongest in academics. I don’t know if you could commute to Ramapo which would save you room and board, and I don’t know if they offer merit money for transfers. But even without merit, it might be the least expensive option for you.</p>
<p>Scranton may offer merit money, but their room and board may be high for you. </p>
<p>Misericordia is a step below academically and has a smaller campus and population. Again, room and board may be high.</p>
<p>Are you from PA or NJ ?</p>
<p>Temple University
Drexel University
<p>Thank you kitty56. I think I will be taking a visit to U of Scranton. I really would like to experience living on campus for my last two yrs. of undergraduate study as I have saved money by being in the NJSTARS program (free tuition to any NJ community college if you’re in the top 10% of HS class). Do you think I might qualify for any merit aid at Scranton? And, what was the average student like at Scranton? I have a feeling my experience could be similar to your son’s at Misericordia; because, although I love sports and have played soccer and run most of my life, do not want to do either competively in college. Scranton have intramurals???</p>
<p>XtremePower: I really do not want to go to a huge university as I feel I would be just a number. I live in NJ. Thanks for the reply.</p>
<p>storm21 ~ this link says that transfer students are eligible for Loyola and Arrupe scholarships. <a href=“http://www.scranton.edu/admissions/apply-info/Transfer%20Student%20FAQs[/url]”>http://www.scranton.edu/admissions/apply-info/Transfer%20Student%20FAQs</a></p>
<p>This link explains what those scholarships are, but does not mention an amount [Financial</a> Aid: The University of Scranton](<a href=“http://scranton.edu/financial-aid/merit-based-sch.shtml]Financial”>Financial Aid | Financial Aid | The University of Scranton)</p>
<p>Your CC gpa is excellent, so that should help you.</p>
<p>An average student? That one is hard. Many are Catholic not surprisingly (although mine were not). Many come from well off families (although mine were not and my kids had many friends who were not from well off families). There are many very bright students who attend Scranton. But my husband and I have always been impressed whenever we visit by students that acknowledge you with a smile, hold a door open for you, answer a question, etc. We have always found them to be friendly although I’m sure you can find students who do not fit that description, as you would anywhere.</p>
<p>Yes, Scranton does have a very active intramural program. My son played basketball in intramurals every year and loved it. He could have played on a college team, but chose not to be under that pressure. He could play for fun in intramurals. Here is the link for that [Univ</a>. of Scranton](<a href=“http://athletics.scranton.edu/Recreational_Sports/Intramurals/Intramural_Information]Univ”>http://athletics.scranton.edu/Recreational_Sports/Intramurals/Intramural_Information) It looks like soccer plays in the spring</p>
<p>Misrecordia has been on a fundraising marathon the past few years. The President has been successful in attracting alot more money to the school. You may want to check it out if you are going to Scranton anyway. I’m guessing but I think its only about 1/2 hour south of Scranton. Also, all ready mentioned but Scranton has a new state of the art science building and has also raised money and their profile in recent years.</p>
<p>storm, I don’t know if you might consider Albany, NY. But College of Saint Rose has the program and is a size you seek. My son looked at it for a different program which wasn’t quite right for him, but we really liked the school. Also, they offer guranteed scholarships of $5,000 to $7,500 to transfers with GPAs between 3.0 and 4.0. Also, don’t count out Rutgers - New Brunswick. They have the program and they definitely have intramural sports.</p>
<p>Possibly West Chester University</p>