Colleges in the 2021-2022 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 2)

I think,in his case, the person is question is very worried and out of love and compassion, he would wear a mask so that she doesn’t worry. We can’t all be masking up forever. There will always be people who need to be more careful. That doesn’t mean we all stay masked.

I don’t know what the immune compromised expect from the entirety of America. Are we supposed to stay masked until when? I’m not trying to be snarky. I just would like to know. Colleges that are mandating the vaccine are doing that to protect the vulnerable. I’m just afraid that masking in class is a slippery slope. Then distancing or remote classes again? How do kids eat in dining halls again?

The bottom line is this - the CDC said vaccinated people do not have to mask but left it open to counties with high rates of virus to make that change if they want. Are places like Tufts sewing a spike? Are those people vaccinated or not? According to that MA info, we know that the vast vast majority of cases are in unvaccinated people. So just get the vaccine.

Dr. Fauci has repeatedly said that vaccinated people who experience a breakthrough infection are unlikely to spread the virus because their viral loads are low. The Massachusetts data someone linked above shows a 0.1% risk of breakthrough infections, some global data shows a 1 in 10,000 risk. Fully vaccinated people are likely not a risk to anyone. We will never have perfect data and it’s likely for the rest of our lives we will be dealing with covid.

If we ever need boosters at some point, how likely do you think people will be to get those if there is no benefit, e.g., removal of restrictions? Or how likely for current vaccine reluctants to ultimately get vaccinated if no personal benefit?


The Texas Dems who fled for DC are all vaxed, flew without masks and now 5 have COVID.

I’m not sure your point. Regardless, I for one have a bit of skepticism that they were really vaccinated.


My point is vaccinated people can still get it and possibly spread it. So that could be why colleges are requesting masks right now.

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How did they fly without masks? Masks are required on airplanes. Where did you get this information?


The case of the five congressman does not indicate at all that vaccinated people with breakthrough infections spread disease.


This thinking , “ vaccinated people can still get it and possibly spread it.”

is shared by entire countries who remain closed to the vaccinated, i.e. Canada.

Private plane, I believe.

it’s all over the news. they posted tons of selfies

The problem is that those who are not vaccinated (unless they’re immune compromised) are not masking up. The honor code is not working. No surprise since they’re anti mask and anti vax so unfortunately everyone is going to have to mask up inside to make sure those who are unvaccinated are 100% protecting everyone else. Continued selfish behavior what else is new?


Of course, but maybe it’s more common and schools are being cautious.

Here’s what Purdue is currently saying about masks:

“We intend to start classes in the fall with little or no use of face masks. We will make and communicate a final decision on masking in classrooms and instructional spaces closer to the start of the semester. Key factors in that decision will include the percentage of the campus population that has been vaccinated, the number and severity of local and campus cases, and the latest scientific information relative to variants and the risk they pose, particularly to unique environments like ours that are densely populated and involve many individuals congregating together indoors for prolonged periods of time.”

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SUNY Chancellor Jim Malatras anticipates that the fall will be a more “traditional” experience for those who “take control and get vaccinated.”

SUNY Buffalo (close to 30,000 students with multiple campuses) just announced this month that students who are fully vaccinated will not have to mask or socially distance (residence halls, classrooms, labs, etc). Syracuse announced that they are following CDC guidelines (no masks). Of course masks are still required on planes, trains, etc.

@homerdog - colleges in NYS don’t seem to be mandating masks, whether they are private or public (not sure about NYC).

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They flew on a private jet.

Are they symptomatic or were they all just tested for some other reason? There are still members of Congress who aren’t vaccinated I believe. This isn’t directed at @me29034, just a general question.

Canada is allowing vaccinated US citizens in starting August 9th


A portion of people in our community are wearing masks in stores, or never stopped. I guarantee those are mostly vaccinated people wearing them. We are at about 60%. Delta is showing up here as we are 2 hours from LA and soon the requirement will be renewed in our county. As I said before the honor code just doesn’t work. Even the bribes didn’t work. The real motivator is to take away privileges. Unvaccinated people cost everyone else in many ways and put people at risk. It’s so unreasonable and makes me angry even though I don’t mind wearing a mask. Between the stupidity, selfishness, politics and people hawking misinformation I’m pretty fed up. Covid won’t be over anytime soon without major changes.

More to the point of this thread, it will likely be a fluid situation again this year for colleges, with some colleges being more conservative than others and some having more exposure and control than others. I’m sad for the kiddos who will miss out on anything. Personally, I’ll start with being grateful for in person learning and a residential experience. Hopefully colleges leaned a lot from the 2020 year to apply - wastewater testing, etc.


so far only one came out and said they had mild symptoms. the rest wanted to remain private. not sure why they all tested.

If the estimates of R0 for B.1.617.2 / Delta of 5 to 8 are correct, then a population needs more than 80% to 88% immune to have herd immunity. This seems unlikely generally in the US if we depend on vaccination (due to the number of vaccine refusers), although after enough natural infections over some months or years adding to the vaccinations we may eventually get there. Some local areas or populations with high vaccination rates will probably get there more quickly (but those areas or populations also appear to be the ones slowest to remove masks anyway).