Colleges in the 2021-2022 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 2)

In my area of Chicago which is in the city, I can tell you there are lots of college kids masked. Sure there are many at bars etc unmasked also. It’s a personal choice. My kids when going out in crowded areas or indoors still use masks. At our local grocery store almost 100% are masked. In my area the 20-30, year Olds seem to be leading the way. So I guess it has to be where live also. Give the college kids more credit actually. My point was just don’t assume students wearing masks are all unvaccinated.

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So it’s peer pressure that does it. I guess it then depends on the culture of the school.

FWIW, my kid wanted to cancel his dentist appointment because they were going to make him wear a mask. He is flying tomorrow and has been swearing for two days about why they are making him wear a mask even though he is vaccinated. If they make him wear a mask to class in the fall, which I fully expect, I know he will be whipping it off the second he leaves the building.

Doubt many masks will be at Lollapalooza. Coming up in week. I know D and her friends haven’t worn masks anywhere since May or so. Not required anywhere here. D had friends go to that big country music festival and I saw some photos. Didn’t see any masks.

I guess the truth is that masking is regional and personal at this point.

Based on what happened in the Netherlands, I’d probably recommend my kids wear masks to any concerts in the near future. Nothing conclusive yet - they’re just not sure yet what happened.

In my suburban Chicago area, close to momofboiler, there is less and less masking indoors. Initially many people, including my college age daughter, were still wearing them in the grocery stores and such, but that has really dropped off now. Maybe 10% are wearing masks indoors now? But our area does have a high vaccination rate too, so I expect most vaccinated people are feeling relatively safe.

Interesting. Lolla is much larger (400K over 4 days, full capacity allowed this year)…they are requiring a vaccine card or a test within past 72 hours to attend. Of course, either can be faked, but let’s hope not many do that.


Yep. We will know a few weeks after the concert. As far as masking it’s a personal choice with area’s of high vaccination rates. My daughter’s friend who is wearing masks indoors and in crowed areas got the delta variant and she has been vaccinated for months with Pfizer… It all depends how much you want to gamble I guess.

Yes, hopefully they will track lolla impact. With current rates of breakthrough cases well below 1% (knowing they are undercounted) it doesn’t seem much of a gamble. Especially for people who had covid and are fully vaccinated. But to each his own for sure…no issue with being more conservative than current guidelines.


My son is going to a 3 day music festival in Miami called Rolling Loud. It is an outdoor music festival to be held at the football stadium. No testing, vaccination, or masking required.

I agree. But it’s a gamble with this varient. That’s the problem. Trust me, I wish we were back to normal but we won’t be there anytime soon. If all I have to do is mask up in crowed areas or indoors I am good with that for now. If it gives me a slight chance of added protection, then I am good with that also.


Call me conservative… Well at least for the vaccine… :rofl:… It’s interesting but since the delta varient I see more people masking indoors like at the grocery stores etc. Even where I work in the western suburbs it seems to be more masked people.

But… Getting back to campus… Lol… I see this fall improved from last but with some adjustments. Kids will have to pivot somewhat but hopefully nothing like the last 1.5 years…


I agree with @Knowsstuff that we’ve seen an uptick of mask wearing inside. My local Whole Foods has been 100% masked by us for the last few weeks. Prior to the news about the delta variant, I would have said 50/50.

We were in the city for a spa day a few weeks ago and the spa required masks and then we dined outdoors. Servers were still mask wearing.

Definitely seems to be regional/localized.

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I hope it won’t be a trend. The Mets and Yankees dropped mask and social distance requirements. they also dropped vaccine and testing requirements.

The coronavirus loves these crowded venues that last for hours or longer with no mask requirement… When would we learn?


im sitting in a doctors office with my grandmother right now. Not one employee is wearing a mask. Im shocked.

Crazy. I won’t hire someone that can’t show me a vaccination card. I have patients I feel obligated to protect

the staff is unmasked. the doctor is wearing a mask. he told us we can take it off if we feel comfortable but they never asked our vaccination status. Strange.

Time for a new doctor… Lol

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lol. its a hearing doctor.

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