Colleges in the 2021-2022 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 2)

That’s interesting since summer at Bowdoin right now looks like 2019. President Rose just hosted a dinner inside the dining hall for all students who are local this summer and there were around 100 students. No masks. Completely “normal”.


But are the same Catholics also continuing to practice social distancing, indoor masking, etc. the way that document at (section 5) says that “Those who, however, for reasons of conscience, refuse vaccines produced with cell lines from aborted fetuses, must do their utmost to avoid, by other prophylactic means and appropriate behavior, becoming vehicles for the transmission of the infectious agent. In particular, they must avoid any risk to the health of those who cannot be vaccinated for medical or other reasons, and who are the most vulnerable.”?


they should be

But are they? You mentioned previously that “many are using it as an easy out”.

lol…I’m not following them to college. These are kids who I went to HS with who all post in group chats etc. I would hope they are following guidance…especially when they get to college. It would be selfish not to.

USC has a very weak vaccine “requirement” for students not living in campus housing that allows students to sign a personal declaration form for exemption. However, signing the form agrees to additional restrictions that the school may impose on unvaccinated students.

Maybe to avoid legal entanglements? If you care enough to drag your priest into the mix you might be willing to file a lawsuit?

Seems odd because colleges really have The upper hand as far as mandates go. Of the few articles that I’ve read about students that are against getting vaccinated all seem to be willing to do so if it comes down to I have to get vaccinated or I can’t attend school this year.


If you mean Nova Southeastern University, didn’t it get forced by the State of Florida’s prohibition on “vaccine passports” not to have an enforceable vaccine requirement?


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It may depend on the usage of the descriptor “Evangelical Protestant Christians”, as in whether it is used as strictly a religious belief descriptor or (as seems to be increasingly common in the US) a political alignment descriptor (since political alignment is strongly correlated with views on COVID-19 vaccination).

agreed. The Christians we know with a capital C won’t get it. They are also sucked into the conspiracy theories. We have some family members in this category.

We ask them why they won’t get vaccinated when the vast majority of our families including their parents and their grown children are vaccinated and they can’t give good answers. Think it a hoax. Think government is behind it. Blah blah. Still trying to figure out a way to convince them. Not sure shat they would say on an exemption form if they had to fill one out!

According to this USC page:
declination forms are no longer accepted:

It provided no link to the new policy, however.

@Luckyjade2024 Interesting that you know “so many” Catholics who are getting religious exemptions from their Catholic universities. My four kids are products of Catholic K-12 education. The majority of their friends are Catholic. Two of my college kids universities are Catholic. Out of all the Catholics we know, everyone 12+ we know has gotten vaccinated.

My college junior goes to a university that is not Catholic-affiliated but is requiring all students and faculty to be vaccinated. He knows one person who was planning to ask for a religious exemption but as of yet, my son does not know whether it was granted. I’m doubtful the kid will get it, especially if he claims “I’m Catholic.” This college has been very strict with Covid policies and the requirements for requesting an exemption on religious grounds were very thorough and looked pretty detailed, looking fairly difficult for someone who tries to use their Catholic religion as a reason.

Out of curiosity, how many is “so many” people you know?


Interesting… has no mention of declination forms no longer being accepted.


i was also in CS k-12. it could just be my area I don’t know what’s going on with others in the country but there is a very large pocket of kids I went to school with who are not getting it

My entire family is Catholic and we all have been vaccinated except for my younger brother

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RIT has the clear mask for the 1,100+ NTID (National Technical Institute for the Deaf) students. I’ve seen them on campus while visiting our son the past two semesters.

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I thought the same too! I haven’t been able to check the thread on a regular basis so when I do, there’s like hundreds to read. lol

According to CBS:

CDC says some vaccinated Americans should wear masks indoors again

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended Tuesday that fully vaccinated Americans in parts of the country with “substantial or high transmission” of [COVID-19](Coronavirus Pandemic) should return to wearing masks indoors, citing new data on the highly contagious Delta variant.

There are ~2040 US counties with “substantial or high” rates.

How many students do you know who got a religious exemption? Do the students you know live in NY or attend a NYS school? Religious exemptions were barred in NYS in 2019.

New York Ends Religious Exemptions For Required Vaccines