Colleges in the 2021-2022 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 2)

Lots of schools had issues with parties last year. If you didn’t want your kids as part of that environment then you didn’t have them apply to those schools!!

No kidding. The article just hit me the wrong way… Especially in that state with covid numbers rising.


The population of Israel that is fully vaccinated is only 62%. I wouldn’t call that high.


Thank you, very helpful, especially to plan when to finish outings and errands and then to take precautions. The goal being to maximize chance of having a negative COVID PCR test on x date before travel or event on y date.

A frustrated Floridian here: Our governor doesn’t care much about Covid precautions so I’m not surprised the students continue to think anything goes. Remember, he encouraged Spring Breakers to come on down this year, etc., etc.

But I should stop griping Bc it would be endless and nothing would change.

(And, students are old enough to be responsible and they choose not to, so that’s on them, too.)

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This was as of June 1. Probably higher 2 months later. It depends on how much of the eligible population has been vaccinated. 80% seems pretty high to me.

That’s eligible population. Covid doesn’t care about age. 38% of their population is still either unvaxed or only partially vaxed leaving a large percentage through which the virus can spread. What I’ve read regarding the virulence of the Delta variant experts are saying that here in Canada based on our demographics we would need a minimum of 90% of the eligible population to be vaccinated to decrease significant spread. With Israel’s population skewing significantly younger, they would probably need to be close to having 100% of their eligible population vaccinated to reduce significant spread.

The coronavirus doesn’t care about age. Symptomatic Covid seems to prefer the older and health-compromised.

UChicago just re-imposed indoor masking requirement due to the “substantial level of community transmission” in Cook County.

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Not sure why you’re debating me about vaccination rates. Or what your point is.

My point is that even with high vaccination rates masking can be necessary because of waning immunity, the types of vaccines used and their efficacy rates and so forth.

The articles I’ve read (a couple of which I posted) state Israel has a high vaccination rate for their population and they had it before most, if not all other countries. They’ve been the large scale trial for the world as far as Pfizer is concerned.

My point was that the reason Israel has reintroduced masking is because of increased cases and the reason for that increase is not necessarily because the vaccine is ineffective against the Delta variant but because a large percentage of their population is still unvaccinated. The 80% vaccination rate that was cited was for adults. They’ve only recently started to push vaccinating those aged 10-15 and that population is seeing significant infection spread.


We all have negative results. Whew!


Northeastern University will require all faculty and staff to be vaccinated. They were one of the first schools to require students to be vaccinated.
Northeastern to require COVID-19 vaccinations for faculty, staff this fall - News @ Northeastern

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I’m betting we’ll see more universities follow suit. And implement indoor masking for everyone, including the vaccinated.

Please keep us updated! I hope you test negative. Do you know which vax your visitors got? And when? And how about your family?

Vaccines + outdoors + wind to blow away the virus → good result for you.

We all tested negative! My visitors each had Pfizer back in April, and we had Pfizer in March. My two teens had Pfizer later when it became available for 12 and older.

They are now on day 6 of feeling like crap, but have been able to manage at home. One has asthma so that has been a concern, but so far she’s ok. Symptoms are headache, fever, chills, congestion, eyeballs hurt, and extremely lethargic. I hope they turn a corner soon.


How many schools from those reading this thread have online classes still.?

RIT says only 20 percent will be online, but it looks more like 50%. I hear grumblings about the state of NY, so for those who kids attend schools in NYS are classes in person?

I think some schools may continue to offer a few courses online, but I believe the majority will be in person

My sons classes are supposed to be 100% in person with no option for remote this year.