Colleges like Hamilton

If OP wants schools similar to Hamilton that are a little less selective, I will recommend St Lawrence, Hobart, Dickinson, Franklin and Marshall, Kenyon, and Denison. Union and Bard are both very interesting and in the same neighborhood.

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I think there have been a number of really great suggestions (seconding/thirding/twenty-millionthing St. Lawrence and Hobart). A couple other schools that might be possibilities include Allegheny, SUNY Potsdam, and Susquehanna.


In making suggestions, posters may want to keep in mind that the OP’s son “strongly dislikes F&M.”

Do any of the suggestions have coaches interested in your son? Another school might give more of an advantage to athletes than Hamilton did.

As an aspect for the OP to research, Hamilton marks “talent/ability” as only “considered” in its Common Data Set. Colleges that mark this attribute at a higher level (as an example, Bates marks talent/ability two levels higher, as “very important”) may offer a relatively greater chance for admission.

Thanks again for all this great feedback. My son did have plenty of interest from some of these schools and has been told by two that they will have spot for him if he changes his mind. So that’s good news and he is applying regular decision (one of them he went as far as receiving his likely letter before turning then down and does seem to have a strong path of admission). The thing is, he goes to a very rigorous school and works had at his academics-because of ADHD, his capability doesn’t show in his grades (which aren’t bad, just not great). He knows, and his teachers and counselors agreed, that he could thrive at a school like Hamilton, so the other schools just aren’t appealing to him. I know, he sounds like an elitist and I have assured him that all of these schools offer great opportunities. What we learned about NESCAC recruiting is that the schools have very narrow bands and can deviate only slightly from the standard admission requirements, and even then that is only for the very top recruits. He never looked at Bates or Colby, but is going to apply for the heck of it and see what happens. Thanks again for all the great input.


You’re not going to find more support than students get at Union College. It’s a beautiful campus, just not in the rural hills like Hamilton. Schenectady is a revitalized small city with a great arts district downtown and easy access to the Adirondacks. In truth, campus beauty is a distraction from what makes a school a good match for a student’s academic journey. Union is an excellent small liberal arts college like Hamilton and in some ways better IMO. Admission is not as difficult as Hamilton, so he should have a better chance. It is really a special place.


I wish your son well as his college search progresses. I hope you keep us posted as he moves forward.


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