Colleges looking at 1st semester senior grades (low GPA, higher SAT college choices)?

<p>I am a junior this year and my GPA is not stellar... a lot of the reason because I have taken very hard courses throughout high school (one thing is that I feel like taking hard courses helps me learn a lot more even though my grade is as good). My GPA after junior year second semester should be around 3.2-3.3, weighted is more like in the 3.7 range (still low).</p>

<p>I took the SAT in January without studying and scored low 2100s. I'm planning to retake it as well as take the SAT II... I really need to get closer to 2300 range on the SATs (and I'm studying now).</p>

<p>My question is this... first off, I have gotten 5 Cs (in very hard courses but a C is a C..). 2 were in Chemistry Honors, 2 were in Physics Honors, 1 was in Physics AP. The thing is that I think I can get over 750 on the Physics SAT II and a 5 on the AP exam (based on how I did on the final I could probably pull off a 5... the class is just extremely hard and it is actually possible for someone who has a high D to get a 5). </p>

<p>First semester senior year, I am definitely going to study a lot more like I have second semester junior year (huge upward trend...). The thing is, I'm not sure what science to take. I'm thinking about AP Chem, but would this look bad since I did so bad in Chemistry Honors... would colleges just assume my grades wouldn't be good? As I have found out in Physics AP this semester, if I stop fooling around and REALLY work at it I can actually do somewhat well. By the way I'm from California so I'm applying to UCs, and I don't think they look at 1st semester 12th grade... I also want to apply to a few privates etc and a few reach schools but I'm not sure where to apply.</p>

<p>The other thing is, do you guys have any recommendations on how to take the SATs? I'm planning to take the SAT IIs in math, physics, and history and want to get above 750 on all of them as well as close to 2300 in the SAT I. Would it be better to take something like math and history in May, physics in June, and the SAT I in October (summer to study)? Or is there a better arrangement?</p>

<p>Thanks a lot for reading.</p>